FNRttC FNRttC York-Hull 30th August, 2024.

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Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
Posted on yACF as well.

Registration is now open for the York-Hull FNRttC.
A route description is here (not my words):-

"The Fridays go north to York for an unusual, mainly flat ride that goes below sea level, but also lets you soar over the River Humber. 116km with just a couple of climbs.

The ride sets off by the steps on the western side of York Minster (High Petergate) at midnight, leaving the city centre, where people in strange outfits stare at people in strange outfits, to emerge into the darkness of the Vale of York. We pass numerous villages with names ending in Thorpe, cross the River Ouse, follow it eastwards and marvel at the only OS square with nothing in it.

If we get sufficient numbers we'll be stopping, as before, at the village hall in Garthorpe for refreshments. If not, we'll use the McDonalds on the outskirts of Scunthorpe.

Setting off as dawn breaks we're surrounded by a network of waterways, with the dyke wall above us. Over the Trent and past Flixborough, we’ll follow a track to Harkstow bridge, then a bit of bridleway round South Ferriby Cliff. We finish by riding through the cycleways of the Hull, arriving for breakfast around 8:00am at McCoy’s on the marina, or the Admiral of the Humber near to the railway station.

Please ensure you have train tickets and cycle reservations to York where the ride starts and back from Hull or alternatively via York before registering. Cheap advance train tickets are available for getting to York on the Friday, and then returning from Hull on Saturday. There are a few train websites, which let you book bike spaces at the same time as getting a ticket, e.g. Hull Trains. These tickets do sell out, so book as soon as possible.

Register here: https://forms.gle/jJUzBFizE5o9nW6N8"

Please note that I'm intending to use the off-road route described above. I'm sure it's possible to take the road option but you'll have to do your own research for this although it's unlikely that we'll wait very long at the re-grouping stop on the north side of the Humber Bridge.
Personally, I don't recommend this option because it takes you along a fast road at "shift change" time.

We need 25 riders to make the Garthorpe Hall stop viable. If we don't get that number signed up we'll refund your £10 hall fee and use the McDonalds in Scunthorpe.

If you have any questions, please ask away !
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Is there a route map for this available please?


Legendary Member
Would a 23 mm slicked shod road bike be ok?
(some bridleways round these parts - nowhere close to york or hull - are better than the roads, some require full MTB kit)

You’ll be fine. The off road route could be one of two (or both) segments. There’s the York to Selby (solar system) bike path which is tarmac and fine on 23mm. Broken tarmac due to tree roots notwithstanding.

The other section is just after South Ferriby. The traditional route is marked in red. The off road route is marked in green. The green route is c. 70% fine. I remember walking about 2/300 metres through a field with very long grass. If I do the ride, and I think I will, I’ll probably opt for the red route.

Edited after having fully read the opening post.


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You don't need the route. That simple. Ride leader will have it, a few bods he trusts will have it for contingency purposes (eg when his drivetrain stuffed up two years ago & TEC Dave became ride leader in his place). Everyone else just needs to follow.


If I'm riding in the middle of the night I want to be able to tell people where I am going. This is just common sense.


Silencing his legs regularly

If I'm riding in the middle of the night I want to be able to tell people where I am going. This is just common sense.
You've got an outline of the route. You know where you're starting and finishing. In between, all you have to do is trust in the (very, very, very) well-tested process. We don't dish out GPXs to all and sundry (plenty of ride recordings out there, anyway), not least because it stops people shooting off 'because they know the way' when, in actuality, they don't. It's a collective ride not an individual one.
You've got an outline of the route. You know where you're starting and finishing. In between, all you have to do is trust in the (very, very, very) well-tested process. We don't dish out GPXs to all and sundry (plenty of ride recordings out there, anyway), not least because it stops people shooting off 'because they know the way' when, in actuality, they don't. It's a collective ride not an individual one.

Not convinced me that's a good enough reason, enjoy your ride.


Legendary Member
We all roll differently. Me, I don’t want the distraction of knowing the route. Start in York, Finish in Hull. About 70 miles, with a half-way stop about 3am.

That’s all I want to know to enable me to work out how much to eat, how much pedalling to keep in reserve and when to start the inner motivational talk “just one more mile”.

I’d rather enjoy a conversation with 20 plus strangers. Discuss bikes, gear ratios and saddles. I’d rather enjoy the amazing bird song at dawn and see the rising mist.

Looking at my warmin and gahoo every 5 mins? No thanks. Someone’s already doing that for me.

Edit: I’ve just talked myself into searching for cheap train tickets.

Ohhh…and my avatar. That was on one of the local roads on the morning of this ride a few years ago. Them Yorkshire folk, they look out for cyclists.
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Random geezer
If Naz is on this ride then I'll join. Haven't done it for years. Trouble is i might have a social that evening involving school friends from decades ago and we're trying to fix a date. At the moment it's between two dates and this is one of them. I've looked at train times and noticed they are more expensive than many years ago. I've ridden back to London after this ride a couple of times: in those days i was young.

Would be great to be back at garthorpe: last time i awarded a medal to the chap helping.
<goes away to think>


Sunny Radcliffe
If Naz is on this ride then I'll join. Haven't done it for years. Trouble is i might have a social that evening involving school friends from decades ago and we're trying to fix a date. At the moment it's between two dates and this is one of them. I've looked at train times and noticed they are more expensive than many years ago. I've ridden back to London after this ride a couple of times: in those days i was young.

Would be great to be back at garthorpe: last time i awarded a medal to the chap helping.
<goes away to think>

It would be great to see you Martin. Been too long.


Über Member
The Flatlands
Not convinced me that's a good enough reason, enjoy your ride.

If you're wanting people to know where you are then Garmin live track on your bike computer or sharing location via Google maps or similar ticks that box. When I'm leading a ride I don't give my partner the route (he's not cycling), he knows the general direction then I do a live track. This is, in part because on any ride (not just Fridays) I might not stick to the original route.
Those on last year's KLN ride were treated to a diversion for example.
Andrew Br

Andrew Br

Still part of the team !
Sorry for the radio silence folks, I've got the Friday's Tour and DD out of the way plus I've (mostly) cleared the email backlog.
I can now devote some time and effort to this.

As ever, StuAff is correct, we don't tend to give out routes to all and sundry.
There are a number of reasons for this:-
The route can change on the night.
We don't want people haring off because the group is going too slow.
We also don't want to hang around for the "hares" to come back to join the group because the route has changed. For the rides that I lead, there is a strict "no chase down" rule. I will tell faster riders to "go ahead until... then wait for the group." If you fancy riding faster, way mark at a junction then head back to the front and do it again. You must, however, obey the way marker instruction "Stay there until the "all upper" comes along".
Another reason that I haven't sent out a route is that I haven't done a route check yet. That's coming in the next few weeks.

wiggydiggy:- If you want to get in touch separately, I may be able to share some ride details although it's not necessary. We'll have your emergency contact details should anything go wrong and there will be enough experienced riders there to help with mechanicals and, if necessary, help you get to local transport to make your own way home.

Shadow: The off-road section won't be great on 23mm road tyres. I've only ever ridden it on 32 mm and, this year, I'll be on my gravel bike with 38+mm tyres (actual width TBC). Most of it is eminently rideable though (IMO). I do advise walking over Harkstow bridge however; the gaps between some of the planks are rather wide.

mmmartin: get your arse into gear and sign up :cheers:.

Thanks to everyone who has already registered 👍. We're still some way short of having the numbers to book the hall but I'm hoping more people will sign up.
Speaking of which, register here:- https://forms.gle/jJUzBFizE5o9nW6N8

Please continue to ask if you have any questions; I should be able to answer them more quickly from now on and I'll update this thread with more news as it arises.
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