Flashing LED lights for shed security

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In bath
Following an increase in the number of leaflets dropped in through our letterbox by the local Neighbourhood Watch team, my minds turn to protecting my beloved. Not her, for she can look after hersen; no, my beautiful Mercian.

Anyone know where I can get instructions/supplies for building a 9v battery powered flashing red LED faux alarm light for me shed? Better yet, two LEDs. These need to be very low powered but relatively long burn times so that I don't have to change the battery too often.

I would mount one in the shed, and t'other above the entrance door, to give the impression of a intruder alarm (I can't install a real alarm for a variety of reasons). Or is there a commercially available twin set of flashing red LED's that meet my needs?

Your advice is always appreciated and seldom ignored.

PS, I live at...oops.


New Member
Maplins is always a good place for that sort of thing, I have seen in Argos book they do a dummy CCTV camera with a flashing led.


Just remember that installing an alarm (real or false) may suggest to bad people that there are valuables in the shed.

You might also want to go for defence in depth.

Do you lock the bike to a floor anchor or other fixed point?

Locked yard, locked shed, locked down bike and maybe the alarm too.

Stay safe.


Active Member
Just remember that installing an alarm (real or false) may suggest to bad people that there are valuables in the shed.

You might also want to go for defence in depth.

Do you lock the bike to a floor anchor or other fixed point?

Locked yard, locked shed, locked down bike and maybe the alarm too.

Stay safe.

This is always a dilema on security. Its about keeping things safe, without attracting unwanted attention to them.


Just use a margarine tun painted black with a hole cut in the middle to fit a mini flashing led.

Or just accept the busybodies of the Neighbourhood Watch thrive on being busybodies and tell them to bugger off and stop annoying you.


In bath

Two flashing LEDs, £1.20 each.
One plastic battery container for two AA batteries, £1.40
One piece of cable to connect the battery container to the LEDs, also £1.40

At first I had assumed that I would need to solder up capacitors, resistors etc to a pcb to get what I wanted, but no, simple as pie.

Nice chap also threw in the two AA batteries he'd used to test the assembly for me for nowt. Hurrah for Maplins.

Total, £5.20

The LEDs will be fitted so that only ne'er-do-wells already trespassing nest to the shed can see 'em.

Ta very muchly guys and gals.
Fiver for a personal alarm

fix to door and loop cord over a nail or hook, simply remove when you open the door.
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