I've just bought a new bike and my missus has now decided that, as the frame is bigger, she wants my old bike.
The reason I got a new bike is because the gears are pretty much knackered. I've had it into the shop a few times and it's never been recitified. The problem with them is that the pedals constantly lock up, or it clicks and doesn't go into gear, or the chain falls off.
I've said to her I'll investigate how much it will cost to fix-up... but I don't know what to actually replace? Is it the rear gears? Front gears? The gear selectors? Or all of them?
Anyone got any advice on what I should do and what I should change? She'll only be coming on the occasional canal-->pub bike ride throughout summer, so I'd like to go as cheap and cheerful as possible.
The reason I got a new bike is because the gears are pretty much knackered. I've had it into the shop a few times and it's never been recitified. The problem with them is that the pedals constantly lock up, or it clicks and doesn't go into gear, or the chain falls off.
I've said to her I'll investigate how much it will cost to fix-up... but I don't know what to actually replace? Is it the rear gears? Front gears? The gear selectors? Or all of them?
Anyone got any advice on what I should do and what I should change? She'll only be coming on the occasional canal-->pub bike ride throughout summer, so I'd like to go as cheap and cheerful as possible.