Usually quite simple to adjust if you have some tools to adjust/undo it all with.
Lockring, if its 'notched' or castellated, if you havnt got a C spanner, you can use a hammer and drift to loosen it.
Adjusting inner ring, usually has a raised flat section across it, an adjustable spanner or similar will do.
While you're at it, its worth greasing the bearings anyway, they'll almost certainly be dry.
Bearings are usually contained within a simple cage that keeps them together.
If you're just going to adjust them, remove the crank (although you can probably do it with the crank in situ) undo the lockring a bit, then tighten the inner ring until it takes out all the play, but not too tight obviously. Once you're happy with the adjustment, nip up the lockring while holding the inner in placthen tighten properly.
Theres usually enough leeway with cheap cup n cone BBs not to have to worry about getting it dead right, so long as its not too tight.