Active Member
I'm going to fit new brake levers (Tektro hood type) to my Paddy Wagon at the weekend along with new bar tape.
This is probably a 'dumb' question for some of you but how do I remove the old levers? The new ones didn't come with any instructions, and I've looked online but can't find a simple guide.
Specifically how do I get at the nut holding the levers on - I'm guessing I have to release the brake cable at the caliper end, and pull in though from the lever (where the thingywhotsit 'nobble' bit is attached to the end of the cable to hold it in place) ? Or is there another way? My concern is gettng the brakes properly set up again once the new levers are on.
I've found stuff on You Tube about fitting the new bar tape.
I'm going to fit new brake levers (Tektro hood type) to my Paddy Wagon at the weekend along with new bar tape.
This is probably a 'dumb' question for some of you but how do I remove the old levers? The new ones didn't come with any instructions, and I've looked online but can't find a simple guide.
Specifically how do I get at the nut holding the levers on - I'm guessing I have to release the brake cable at the caliper end, and pull in though from the lever (where the thingywhotsit 'nobble' bit is attached to the end of the cable to hold it in place) ? Or is there another way? My concern is gettng the brakes properly set up again once the new levers are on.
I've found stuff on You Tube about fitting the new bar tape.