Fitting new brake levers - help

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Active Member

I'm going to fit new brake levers (Tektro hood type) to my Paddy Wagon at the weekend along with new bar tape.

This is probably a 'dumb' question for some of you but how do I remove the old levers? The new ones didn't come with any instructions, and I've looked online but can't find a simple guide.

Specifically how do I get at the nut holding the levers on - I'm guessing I have to release the brake cable at the caliper end, and pull in though from the lever (where the thingywhotsit 'nobble' bit is attached to the end of the cable to hold it in place) ? Or is there another way? My concern is gettng the brakes properly set up again once the new levers are on.

I've found stuff on You Tube about fitting the new bar tape.



When you say hood type levers do you mean aero type, where the cables emerge from under the bar tape. or where the cables emerge from the top of the brake hoods. As you are rewrapping the bars it should be easy. Strip off the old tape, undo the brake cables from the calipers or brake arms and free the nipples from inside the levers and pull the cables out. It could be worthwhile changing them anyway. Look in the levers from the front with the lever against the handlebars and you will see either an allen key cap head screw or a slotted screw. Undo this screw a few turns with the appropriate implement until the lever asembly becomes loose and slide the whole thing off the bars. I have just done the same job and it almost takes longer to explain than to actually do the job!


Active Member
Great, thanks both, that's what I needed - yes they're the type where the cable runs inside the lever (and under the bar tape).

Cables are fairly newish so I think they're OK to re-use, main reason I'm doing this is because the rubber hoods on the levers on the bike are split and loose, and Tektro don't sell replacements, had to buy new levers (which are now a slightly different shape so I can't just change the hoods over!), and smart new tape will look good ;)


You may find it helpful to remove the outers. Thread the cable through the lever, then through the outer and push the outer tightly up the cable and into the lever housing, then use some tape around the handlebar not far from the lever just to hold it in place while you thread it through to the brake mechanisms. I used three wraps of tape each side evenly spaced to secure the outer in position on the bars before taping the bars with handlebar tape.


Active Member
Well, that was fun! I ended up having to fit new cables too, as I had to cut the old ones to get them off (I guess I could've re-used them if I wanted to) and the cable kit came with new outers too.

I used Fizik dual tape, it's really nice, feels great, but quite thick and tricky to wrap, but this was my first attempt and I managed a decent job I reckon! Annoyingly I didn't manage to line up both levers so one is a tiny bit lower than the other, I'm tempted to loosen it and push, but I'm leaving well enough alone for now!


Annoyingly I didn't manage to line up both levers so one is a tiny bit lower than the other, I'm tempted to loosen it and push, but I'm leaving well enough alone for now!
Bummer. Actually, and I've done this myself, if you've only just put the tape on, as you have, you should be able to carefuly peel it off as far as the lever, adjust the positioning, then rewind the tape back on. Takes a bit of care though.


I used a straight edge against the bottom of my drops and dropped the levers until the tips just touched the straight edge. Perfect position on both sides.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
I used a straight edge against the bottom of my drops and dropped the levers until the tips just touched the straight edge. Perfect position on both sides.

If you want to make this really easy tape a piece of 2x1 to the bottom of the bars temporarily and line up the levers as above - with both hands free.
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