First Ride today....Gawd im unfit !!

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New Member
Well i had my first ride today and realised just how unfit i am lol.

Spent the morning playing on the drive and up and down the road clipping in and out of my SPD pedals - thought i had it sussed ........

Had lunch, got changed, jumped on the bike headed out the drive and my computer ejected itself from the handlebars so i naturally stopped to pick it up - thats when it suddenly dawned on me that me and the bike were one - TIMBER - over i went, straight down, about 5 yrds from the front door :tongue:. No damage done though other than a bruised ego and being constantly reminded about it by my son who was watching from inside.

Anyway - went out again on a planned 5 mile round circuit and turned back after 1.5 miles :bravo:, The smallest of inclines felt like the alps and caused me to stop and rest for a couple of minutes and i am truly shocked by the attitude of some drivers out there - still thats 3 miles more than i have done in 25 years and despite the throbbing legs, heaving lungs and pouring sweat i cant wait for wednesday when ill be going back out again - may even do the full circuit this time lol.

in a week, you'll be doing 5 miles easy! just need to get your 'sea' legs!


Legendary Member

Welcome and on your next ride out will feel and little better and before you realise single figures will be double and you will then begin your love / hate relationship with hills and then cake. Once you start including cake stops on your training routes there is no hope, you like many others will be an addict. Its chuffin' great

Jonathan M

New Member
I'm returning to biking after a 6 month lay off - doesn't sound much but there has been a little bit of brain surgery in the middle LOL!!!!!

Did 11miles yesterday in a Bikewise organised ride, all sorts of abilities present, I was naturally paced by my 8 year old on his 5 speed bike, little bugger still managed all the climbs, so naturally I couldn't get off could I? I've found riding with him good, it means I have to take things nice & steady & ride alongside or behind him.

Take it easy, it will come to you. Keep it up, don't get despondent, you'll find that cycling improves fitness quite quickly if you ride regularly.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Hello Oz, a lot of us have been there mate. Took up cycling again after an 18 year break. Easy I thought... yeah right, 1 and half miles & I had to rest up for 20 minutes face as red as a beetroot. 3 years later, last Saturday I did my 5th 100miler of the year.. so keep it up.. it does get easier... and more fun...


New Member

Keep it up and you'll be amazed at how much fitter you become.

Everyone starts thinking their head ,chest and legs are all going to explode( well I did ) but after a week or so of regular trips out you'll surprise yourself.

Good luck and beware the pedals. ( I have the bruises as we speak )



New Member
Cheers for the words of encouragement peeps :biggrin:

from little acorns and all that and the most importanat thing is I enjoyed it :tongue:

Scary thing is, back in the day (a long long long time ago) i was doing 80 miles a day - touring round Buxton and the like


Well-Known Member
Well done Oz, everybody is correct it does get easier!

I only started riding again a few weeks ago and I am really enjoying, cant say I did the first few rides, muscles were sore the following morning, I am sure I had sat on something sharp because I was bum sore as well. Just come back from an evening ride and feel refreshed to be honest.


New Member
my house
ozthecoz said:
thats when it suddenly dawned on me that me and the bike were one - TIMBER - over i went, straight down, about 5 yrds from the front door :biggrin:. No damage done though other than a bruised ego and being constantly reminded about it by my son who was watching from inside.

Tell him you were just practising falling off in a safe environment. :tongue:
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