First ride this year

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Tony Cano

Well-Known Member
Irvine, Ayrshire
I haven't been out on the bike for FAR too long due to the weather and generally couldn't get myself motivated. Although doing small sessions on Elite Rollers that I purchased for over the winter, but generally finding a lack of motivation on these too.
With some new cycling clobber and better weather I managed a nice 27 mile ride to get back into it. BTW my first ever over 20miles and I'm now looking forward to getting back out for more!

The one thing I did notice was my left ankle was quite sore during the later part of the ride which I assume is the cleat positioning?



Über Member
Well done on doing 27 miles, if you do adjust the cleat, only move it a bit at a time,say from left to right, if no improvement put it back to where it was, then try and move it from front to back.

Biker Joe

Über Member
Rollers can be so boring can't they?
You can't beat getting out on the bike. So much more going on around you.
The cleat positioning might be causing the ankle soreness. Worth checking it out but you might have overdone it a bit on your first ride out.
Perhaps go for shorter slower distances at first and build up slowly.
If the tendons have become inflamed I should take it easy for a while to aid recovery.Perhaps an ankle support will help. An anti inflammatory such as Ibuprofen might also help. Check with your GP if you have concerns.
I wish you well and good cycling.
Take care.
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