First 'off'

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Well-Known Member
So, out for a ride along some really quiet lanes today ( 3 cars in 30 mins sort of quiet), and coming
round a slight bend to be confronted by 4 youngsters wandering along and mucking about, aboviously going between each others house or something. 2 of them a bit further away (50 yards)facing back don the road towards me were on the razor type scooters, the other two were pushing and shoving each other as they were bimbling along. I shouted but didn't slow down very much (hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it!), the problem is the shout caused the nearest one to look up towrds me just as his mate pushed him and it put him off balance and right into my path..
managed to steer the bike round him but our shoulders met, and theres me out of control...god knows whats going on behind me at this point, but 3 foot high soft verge slowed me slightly andsaved me hitting the tarmac at full speed, I was at 22 just before the bend. Next thing i'm on my back and the lad in question is asking me if I'm alright.

He's about 13 so I'm more interested in his welfare at this point, but after checking ourselves over,nothing serious is evident, so we all go on our merry ways.

About 200 yrds down the road the adrenaline starts to wear off and I get a bit shaky so have to cut short what was hopefully going to be my first ever ride to break the 12 mile mark!.

Now I'm home, both shoulders and upper arms ache like billy-o, one elbow's starting to complain, maybe I was going a bit faster than my normal average of 12 when I hit the ground!

Lessons learnt today, 1:biggrin:ont assume someone will react in the way you expect them to.
2:Shout sooner.

Still, was quite chuffed to be feeling like carrying on today after hitting my previous max of 10 miles. I must be getting fitter aready!

TLDR --- I crashed into someone walking down the middle of the road and now I ache...


Well-Known Member
Hope your aches wear off quickly :smile:


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
400 yards and spot kids with scooters, increase in pedal output ... 300 yards keep notice of position of scooter riders, more increase in pedal output ... 200 yards, well noted the direction they'll be going, more leg power to increase speed ... 100 yards all lined up, well noted position of scooter riders, last ounces of peg power transferred to speed ...0 yards pass on the right, raise left hand, slap first person with scooter I make contact with, watch resulting somersault of said scooter rider ... +50 yards convince yourself at some point you would have collied with said scooter rider upon passing them and the high speed slap is a reminder to them, to keep some situational awareness at all times ... + 5 miles, arrive at casualty to have broken wrist repaired


Well-Known Member
Thankfully the bike went left onto the verge as i went right onto the road. Needs the tufts of undergrowth removing from the front QR, but other than that its fine.

Oh, and my Wife asked the same thing before she asked about me!
I know I should never have told her how much I spent on it!


Well-Known Member
400 yards and spot kids with scooters, increase in pedal output ... 300 yards keep notice of position of scooter riders, more increase in pedal output ... 200 yards, well noted the direction they'll be going, more leg power to increase speed ... 100 yards all lined up, well noted position of scooter riders, last ounces of peg power transferred to speed ...0 yards pass on the right, raise left hand, slap first person with scooter I make contact with, watch resulting somersault of said scooter rider ... +50 yards convince yourself at some point you would have collied with said scooter rider upon passing them and the high speed slap is a reminder to them, to keep some situational awareness at all times ... + 5 miles, arrive at casualty to have broken wrist repaired

So did you actually break a wrist slapping a chav, or is this a fantasy about breaking a wrist slapping a chav?

Either way, I now have a carefully laid plan for what to do next time....
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