First off on the MTB, bit of advice needed,

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im a little tea pot
well i went out for a ride at lunch after fitting knobblies all going well till about 3 1/2 miles in i went down a slight incline (cant really call it a descent lol) on loose small gravel, saw a tree at the bottom and went to steer round it without being too agressive but it wouldnt steer, was heading towards it (about 10 MPH ish) and thought of skidding the back wheel round, couldnt lock it as the brakes need adjusting so just slammed the front on, waited for the back to lift and went almost vertical then lept away to avoid the tree landing in the brambles on my feet!!! :B) i've learnt to bail the hard way lol.

noticed when i got back that i had the tyres facing the wrong way :banghead: but also im on the look out for techniques to cornering on descents so i can build my confidence up. i know braking when straight, weight over back wheel etc but anything else? as i havent ridden a MTB in years in a little rusty. anyone want to pop out with me and teach me some new tricks? i am going to fiddle with the brakes and refit the tyres tonight, need to check the front fork too as it has a strange knock to it
Pick your line well in advance and don't look at what you're trying to avoid.
Tyre pressures OK?


im a little tea pot
i lowered them half way round, was running at about 40 psi before i hit the trail, got half way round and lowered it by unscientifically holding the valve open for 5-6 seconds ish.

i was thinking about the not looking at the thing but couldnt resist it!! lol. was a lovely looking tree up close


target fixation - if you watch it you'll hit it!

other than that - brake before the bend and not during


im a little tea pot
after my acrobatics at lunch time i then fell down the stairs slightly busting my right knee last night!!! after my little boy fell down them yesterday lunch time! they say these things come in threes!!! lol
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