So i did my first 50 miler yesterday and a couple of lessons or three learnt, 1st lesson was to not to start on a big (biggish) Hill, a mile and a half from my front door is the bottom of Leith Hill (Coldharbour Lane/Abinger Road ) and that was my first time up there, any madie it without stopping just !! and a further 50 miles followed around the southern Surrey roads, 2nd lesson i didn`t take enough food and drinks, had to take it a bit easier towards the end to ensure i got back in one piece 3.44 hrs later at an average speed of 13.7mph and an average cadence of 83 i am over the moon as i have only been riding for 9 months and fast approaching the big 50..I only wish i had started this riding thing a good many years earlier...Lesson three the advice from you lot on this forum is worth its wait in Gold...