First 15miler and shouted at by a dog walker!

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Über Member
Lincoln, uk
Feel like a proper cyclist now! The 15 miles was easier than I thought. I reckon I could do a 20 miler next week no problem.

Got shouted at when on a cycle path which is also a footpath. There was a dog walker with two dogs coming towards me so I slowed right down to 3mph. Another dog appeared from a side path, off a lead and stopped to sniff the first dogs bums. It's owner ambling down the side path.

As I went past slowly the new dog dived infront of my bike. I went to do an emergency stop and realised I couldn't clip out in time. Only third time clipped in so managed to swerve but nearly hit the dog and nearly fell off. I muttered "bloody dog" in shock. Not at the dog owner who was so far away he'd never have heard me. But the other dog walker took offence and started shouting at me saying it was my fault.

Was it? I was on a cycle path going really slowly. An out of control dog leaped infront of me. I don't let my dog run infront of cyclists. Next time though I'll unclip when passing dogs so lesson learnt there. But I think me muttering bloody dog to myself is fairly mild really. I think someone else might have given the dog owner an earful!


South Somerset
you get them, dont worry about it.

My local path is an old railway so gets loads of dog walkers, some are fine, some have the brain power of a tin of paint.


Über Member
If you were on the cyclepath bit, no you were in the clear and the animal should have been under control. However you are spot on with the idea of being unclipped and ready, [works when approaching small children too], after all it's easier to conduct your argument from a standing position rather than from on the ground with the bike on top of you.


Well-Known Member
Tyne & Wear
I tend to find dog walkers are ok if they see you. Horse riders however, ignorant bunch of f**kers who seem to thing the road, paths and cycle tracks all belong to them and their disgusting animals that leave dirty great "horse bombs" all over the place
Well done on the 15 miles.
I tend to find dog walkers are ok if they see you. Horse riders however, ignorant bunch of f**kers who seem to thing the road, paths and cycle tracks all belong to them and their disgusting animals that leave dirty great "horse bombs" all over the place
Always wondered why they dont have to clean it up like dog owners have too.


World class procrastinator
As a dog owner, I would say that you were totally in the right there. The out of control dog was in no way your fault. Some dog owners should be shot.
When I see a cyclist coming towards me on a cycle path/foot path I stop and get my dogs into the side so that the cyclist can pass unmolested by a couple of over bouncy terriers.

I have come across quite a few aggressive cyclists who shout things at us, very anti dog walker sentiments, while we have been stationary and waiting for them to pass. Some people are just plonkers though.


Southend on Sea
I have similar incidents whilst running
One time told me as the mutt jumped up at me "Dont be daft he's only playing, cant you see his tail is wagging"
I responded that I was too busy looking at his teeth


Well-Known Member
Must be a regional thing. I have never had an issue with horse riders and have always found them friendly and polite.
generally fine here too. I had a conversation with a rider one day and learned something useful. Horse riders can hear cars, but they cannot hear a cyclist at all, even if you have a clickiest freewheel ever - the hooves mask the sound completely. So I approach horses with care in the knowledge that they have no idea I am there. Bikes can spook horses, so you need to pass them slowly just like you do with a car.


Dogs are blameless fellows and unpredicable to boot, You were right to slow down. accidents happen, if you'd had a bit more experince with your pedals it would have been a non event. I have no issue with dogs and have yet to find a dog walker who does not say 'thanks' for me ringing my bell and slowing down.
You did nothing wrong.. I suspect the person who took offense was wearing pants that are too tight.

on the road

Über Member
Sounds like you're new to clipless pedals. Just put it down to experience, when I first went clipless I fell the odd time because I couldn't unclip fast enough. After that I looked to see which way was best to twist my foot to unclip and remembered that so I've never had any clipless moments since. As for the dog owner, they should have apologised to you for their dogs running in front of you, it's not like you were bombing it down the path, but at 3 mph you've got plenty thinking time so just put this one down to experience, I'm sure you'll remember next time.


Wannabe Stravati
Well done on the 15 miles.

Always wondered why they dont have to clean it up like dog owners have too.

I live in the New Forest and ride a lot around here, I've never had any problems with horses or riders, they always seem courteous. I always try to give them a bit of a warning if coming past in case they spook, if they're wearing all the 'young horse' stuff then I slow down and ask before coming by also. I might be a bit biased towards horse riders as my wife and daughter both fall into this category, but I rarely cycle on the roads with them. On the mtb however, my daughters pony loves 'bikey' and ends up following, chasing and generally trying to keep up with me, or wait for me when they canter up the hill.

On the poo side of things, dog poo is horrible meat based stuff which stinks and if you tread in it you're in trouble; horse poo is basically processed grass, doesn't do any harm and disappears without trace over a short period of time.

When faced with the choice of horse poo or gravel at the bottom of a steep hill I pick the poo :-)

darth vadar

Über Member
I have just come in from a 25 miler and had my first tumble ten miles from home when a pedestrian suddenly chose to walk diagonally across my path on Otterspool Promenade leaving me to swerve around him and getting my back tyre stuck in a narrow groove - and the next thing - bang I was on the floor.

No real harm done except for a cut to the palm of my hand and a very sore thumb, knee and elbow as I reached out to save myself.

Can I say a big thank you to the cyclist who came along to check that me and the bike were ok.

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