Finally ditching the car.

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Jack Jones

New Member
West Berkshire
I pick up my new bike tomorrow, and am planning to gradually build up my fitness levels so that I will be able to commute to work by the spring (20 miles mainly through country lanes)
I would really appreciate your advice, especially when it comes to gears. I’ve never really had a bike with gears (yes it’s been that long since I last owned a bike!) How do you know what gear you’re supposed to be in for example?


Über Member
The one you feel most comfortable in at the time. You'll find as you get fitter and stronger that you'll ride using higher gears that you used to. There's no right or wrong really. I'm in the camp that believes it's better to spin rather than grind, which basically means that I'll remain in a lower gear and pedal faster rather than switch to a higher gear and use the leg muscles more.

Some of it depends on whether there is anything else you'd like to achieve whilst riding apart from getting from A to B. I.e. spinning helps with calorie burn, which is one of the reasons I spin.
There's a nice article by the late great Sheldon Brown here, which deals with gear selection and what gears you can use in combination and what you can't because you get chain rub or stretch problems.

As Bayerd said, your cadence will be key. Resist the temptation to grind, rather try to find a gear which allows you to spin the cranks. Shift down when you get to hills. Of course in the beginning it will all feel hard I bet but progress will be not needing to change down for that bit of road you used to have to change for. After a while you will get a feel for the gears and instinctively know roughly where you are.



New Member
Congratulations on getting a new bike. Which model did you go for?

In regards to cycling in the right gear, you will 'just know' if the gear is too low the pedals will turn too easily and you wont be very efficient, and in too high a gear it will be too hard to pedal. If you are really worried a spedometer with cadence function(rpm) will generally allow you to find the most efficient gear.

Depending on your level of fitness you might find a big change in how your cycling stamina is from when you last rode a bike so i'd advise just to take it easy at first, think of the tortoise and hare story. Is your commute 20 miles total or 20 each way? When the option is available, many people might get a trainlift one way of the journey so as not to do too much to soon in regards to cycling, but this option isnt always available.

One of the big things is comfort, whilst i havent yet found the perfect saddle for me the position of the saddle is very important and could make all the diferance as to wether you stick at cycling or stop.

I would also recommend some good cycling shorts which should improve your comfort.
As someone else said recently practice taking out and putting back your inner tubes so you know what your doing when you need to repair a puncture. Just be warned it could be very hard to put back on some new stiff tyres (yep this has happened to me and i had to go to the local bike shop to get it put back on!)

Take care and i hope you enjoy cycling.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
just4fun said:
Depending on your level of fitness you might find a big change in how your cycling stamina is from when you last rode a bike so i'd advise just to take it easy at first, think of the tortoise and hare story. Is your commute 20 miles total or 20 each way? When the option is available, many people might get a trainlift one way of the journey so as not to do too much to soon in regards to cycling, but this option isnt always available.

To start with you could alternate cycling and driving days, or cycle one day a week or one in three days or whatever. Is there somewhere safe at work to leave the bike if, say, you cycle in and feel shattered by the end of the day and want to get a taxi home or something? (although I find, on my albeit short, commute, that even when I feel whacked after a hard physical day, I can cycle ok - slowly, but ok.

As others have said, you'll find out what gears suit you when. Depending on how hilly it is, you may find that you have one gear you're in most of the time, and you change up one or two for downhill and down one or two for uphill and that's it most of the time. Find a comfortable cadence (rate of spinning your feet round) and use your gears to let you maintain it as best you can - so uphill you'll do down gear, and go slower, but still spin round, and downhill you'll change up and go faster for the same spin.

Another thing to think about is what extra stuff you need apart from the bike. Have you got a good lock (a D-lock is best, spend what you can), lights, the 'right'* clothes, luggage**?

*You can cycle in anything. But over a distance like that, it'll be more comfortable if you have some padded shorts or padded undies. A teeshort will do, but a cycling jersey will carry sweat away from the body better. A waterproof jacket will keep you dry, and a breathable one will stop you overheating and sweating too much. Shoes - depends on your choice of pedal type. If you're coming back to cycling, you may want to start with ordinary flat pedals, and ordinary shoes - maybe with toeclips. The stiffer the sole of your shoe, the more efficient you'll be. Many poeple swear by the 'clipless' type, where you are (confusingly) clipped to the pedal by a cleat on your shoe - that's when you need to think about the right pedals and shoes. Personally, I've stuck to pedals with toeclips and it does me fine....

**depends on the type of bike - if yours has a rack, then it's worth having some panniers, especially if you need to carry stuff to work. If no rack, you might be able to use a saddle bag. A rucksack is ok for a short distance, but not ideal, as it puts the weight up high and backs your back sweaty.

Finally, it might well be worth getting a copy of Cyclecraft - the bible of how to cycle on modern roads. If you haven't cycled in a long time, concepts like primary and secondary will be new to you, and slightly counterintuitive to start with, but good positioning technique can make all the difference to how other road users treat you.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Well done in planning to give up the car.

20 miles is a long way, and the first time that you do it, it will seem like a marathon. However your fitness will pick up quickly, and it will seem much easier.

However 20 miles each way each day is a mighty target - you will need a fair amount of will power. Keep us updated through the highs and lows.
Jack Jones

Jack Jones

New Member
West Berkshire
Some good advice thank you. I got a Carrera Subway 1. I can't believe how light it is. I've been out tonight on it, just a quick trip to test it out. Loved it.

My journey into work will be 20 in total. So not too bad. I do a fair amount of walking in my spare time so my fitness levels are not too bad. Certainly a hell of a lot better than they where this time last year.

Big John

Legendary Member
I think a 10 mile each way commute is ideal - not too far but far enough to get a decent level of fitness over time. Around 40 mins at 15mph. I hope you've got shower facilities when you get there! Good luck and ride safe.


Senior hunter
Good decision! The planet thanks you. Even those still married to their cars should thank you too (though it's unlikely) as you are one less car holding them up.

Practice makes perfect. When it comes to gears just remember they are there to be used. Use them all. No awards for grinding up hills. Use the one that allows you to keep your cadence at no less than around 60rpm. You should normally be spinning at 80+ rpm.

As far as easing into your 20 mi commute, I'd suggest starting with shorter rides in the interim and making sure you give yourself (body) time to adapt. This is the fun part -- a good excuse to sit in front of the computer or telly.

The most important thing though is consistency. No use going mad and then not riding for 2 weeks. Gains are lost quickly, especially as we age.

Check out the commuter section of VeloWeb.


New Member
Randochap said:
Even those still married to their cars should thank you too (though it's unlikely) as you are one less car holding them up.

I am often suprised that more drivers don't think this way.
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