Sorry, i'm not trying to be cheeky about southerners or anything , I guess my mates winding me up, he reckons approach any one down dover / kent way and they will presume you are an immigrant and call the polis. Ask in a hotel / pub / shop and they will charged a tenner. Never been down that way before, not knowing what to expect.
The way Gixxerman descibes it, sounds very much like here. Although I'm yet to be offered anything that exciting
In Germany / Austria cemeteries always have fresh water taps (for people tending graves presumably) so are good places to fill up the water bottle. At home in the Scottish Borders there is usually someone about as I pass through farm steadings / small villages so I just ask, nobody would ever refuse. I'm going to be down in the south of england touring, any tips on getting the bottle filled up, have heard its not all that friendly and speaking to strangers is not the done thing.
Where do you refill when out touring?
I usually just stop at private houses and politely ask.
Generally I look out for people who are outside gardening, washing car etc. rather than knocking on doors.
I realise that it is a bit cheeky, but I have never been refused yet.
In fact quite the opposite. I have been invited in for cake, cups of tea / coffee, biscuits etc. On one notable occaision, I was offered something a bit more that I expected by a (married?) middle aged woman. I gracefully refused and just left with a full water bottle.
Have you got the address
If someone waved a water bottle at you and asked you politely to fill it, you would, wouldn't you?