Feeling Sluggish

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New Member
Anyone else afflicted by this sensation?

For no particular reason i feel leaden down and sluggish from time to time on my bike, i mean there is no problem with the bike, weather conditions exactly the same, i dont feel ill or anything and yet this persistant sluggishness comes on, handling, speed everything slow and unresponsive

Any clues or similar feelings?


Well-Known Member
Anyone else afflicted by this sensation?

For no particular reason i feel leaden down and sluggish from time to time on my bike, i mean there is no problem with the bike, weather conditions exactly the same, i dont feel ill or anything and yet this persistant sluggishness comes on, handling, speed everything slow and unresponsive

Any clues or similar feelings?

Happens to everyone. Due to lots of factors , tiredness , energy levels, phsycology etc. Also cycling always seems easier in the wet , wet but easier fmpi.


Waiting for the great leap forward
The middle bit
I've had the same for the last few days. I've even lifted the back wheel up a few times to check the brakes aren't bound on or the hubs not sticking. I put it down to the fact that I haven't managed a holiday thus year and I can no longer work from home one day a week. Guess we all have out peaks and troughs though.
Occasionally feel similar, especially since I got back from my hols last month, I've really struggled to get back into my riding. I don't seem to have the energy or the inspiration that I had before and during my hols.

Monday and Tuesday this week saw me back perk up a bit, when both afternoons I cycled back from work, west into the gale force remnants of Hurricane Katia.... hard work, but with a sense of satisfaction.


Senior Member
I've like this all week, where I can usually go up a certain hill no problem, this week I have struggled. My energy levels just seem to be low and peddling is tougher this week. I'm eating more pasta to help raise my energy levels which does work for a short while.


Just call me Chris...
I posted a similar thing a while ago, thread here may put your mind at ease


A Velocipedian
It's called being human.



Legendary Member
I posted the same question in the health section a week ago. It's tiredness after an active summer.


New Member
I felt the same on my short commutes earlier this week and put it down to last weekends triathlon, but think it is often psychological since this morning I got up and convinced myself to do an extended commute and not slow down/go easy. It worked, got up several hills faster than I've done in the past and arrived at work knackered but smiling.



Active Member
Had that feeling pretty much all of this week. Cant seem to shake the tiredness. Other elements of life (well.... work!!) are getting me down, and im confident that is playing a part. Hoping it will pass soon, as yours hopefully will too.
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