Feel like a beginner again :-/

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Hi all, I posted this yesterday in cycle chat but probably better here. I changed bikes recently and got out on my new one yesterday and today. Also with the new one I have bought cycle shoes and cleats which I have never used before. Well how strange it all feels to me, bike feels strange and the shoes well they make me feel like I need stabilisers.

Has anyone else had this feeling when they have changed bikes?


It's a cube peleton 2012 model. Thing is it was a road bike I had. But yes just got back of my second ride on it and it did feel a little better than yesterday. Hoping there is gradual improvement each day really with a little tweaking here and there :-)


Hit the nail on the head. Get the basic fit right by looking online in relation to saddle height, cleat position etc and take a multi tool on your rides. Adjust things like the seat a couple of mm at a time.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Its a fun thing to try, after a few months of clipless, try going back to flats again...its.....awkward. Also, if your flats are DMR V12s and you happen to bang your shin as you mount the bike too quickly it can also be....very painful!

That said, the advice regarding very small adjustments at a time is very good advice. I went from a perfectly good working setup to a setup that caused pain to the right of the knee with stupidly big adjustments across saddle height / angle / fore and aft position and cleat angle. God knows why I went so mental with the changes but dont do that.

Also if you get in a position with everything and it works for you. Stop. Don't carry on adjusting when nothing is broke.
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