Paul Narramore said:
Sheesh they are expensive. I wear vari-focals anyway so that would be a further £180-ish. Nor would I have polycarbonate lenses ever again after my last two pairs got badly scratched within weeks and cost me a packet to replace.
Yes, they are pricey, although not much more than a pair of standard spectacles of similar quality.
I get round the scratching problem by always using the handy cloth pouch provided and the lenses last me as long as the prescription does, which is 2-3 years these days. I've always found glass lenses rather heavy and I prefer the safety of polycarbonate when I'm cycling.
I really need varifocals, too, but can still get away with it for cycling by having those set to 2+ metres. If my close vision gets bad enough to require correction, I'd have the same problem as you, so I'd be interested to hear what solution you come up with.