Ey up folks!!

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Hi folks, I've just joined, me being the wrong side of 54 and the wrong side of 23st arrggghhh!! One I can't do anything about the other I can:smile:

Anyway I've just bought one of these http://www.winstanleysbikes.co.uk/product/58987/Viking_Edgware_2013_Bike
and one of these http://www.winstanleysbikes.co.uk/product/66432/CycleOps_Mag_Plus_2014_Trainer_With_Shifter

So hopefully things will get better/fitter and I can get out on the road. First aim get used to a bike with so many gears:scratch:, 2nd, to begin the weight loss, 3rd to be 20st for the end of the year, 4th, 16st for April.



London, UK


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Hi folks, I've just joined, me being the wrong side of 54 and the wrong side of 23st arrggghhh!! One I can't do anything about the other I can:smile:
So hopefully things will get better/fitter and I can get out on the road. First aim get used to a bike with so many gears:scratch:, 2nd, to begin the weight loss, 3rd to be 20st for the end of the year, 4th, 16st for April.

hello and welcome.

don't worry about the gears, your legs will tell you if you're in the wrong gear (too much effort =too high or too easy =too low). If you find you're changing gear very often, you're doing something right :okay:


Thanks for the warm welcome. It should be an interesting journey over the coming months ahead.



Slimboy Fat
The Fen Edge
Don't worry about chasing the weight loss. Be sensible with the diet during the week, let it hang out at the weekends and get out on the bike for 2-3 hours a week. The weight will just fall off and as your legs get into the groove, you will not believe how much easier it will seem after a few weeks. Get Strava (free) on your phone and track each ride. It's a real psychological boost to see the the times come down, whilst the speeds and distances go up, as it shows you are getting somewhere.

I've gone from wheezing 17.5 stone mess in April that thought he was going to die after 20 miles at 12mph, to chain gangs at 23-4mph and completed the 58 mile London to Cambridge ride last weekend in 3:40. I only really started looking at the diet at the back end of June and I've lost 1.5 stone already. :smile:



Hi Russ thanks for the tips. I've been here before about 4yrs ago. My GP said my BP was a little high but weight loss would bring it down. So I went out and bought an exercise bike arrrgghhhh!!
Why don't they do bikes for fat folk for decent money, ended up spending the thick end of £600. I did get rid of some weight though, went from 22st to 16st in just under 12months, started doing 5mins a day which was all I could manage and end up doing 45mins every day. But, with it being one size fits all, any serious pedaling and my knee would jut play up and become really painful.
So yes you guessed right I gave it up. Now I'm back to 24st with my BP through the roof 214/114 but now back using meds from the GP, also I had my 3rd DVT last August so now I'm on Warfarin forever. As for my diet tbh it's pretty much the same as it was when I lost the weight, I just don't do any exercise..:smile:

Anyway got the new bike and trainer earlier and now have it set up, did a couple of miles to try it out and liked it a great deal. Will give it a better try tomorrow..

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