Hi all 
This is my first post as a new member to the forum
I'm a complete novice when it comes to cycling and only just got back on a bike a few months ago at the age of 31, having not ridden since I was a child. My OH is a keen cyclist and after seeing his progression over the past few years, it made me want to get myself a bike and improve my fitness (as I was literally doing zero exercise). Needless to say, I am having to start at the very beginning...
I got myself a hybrid bike (Giant, Escape 1 W) through cyclescheme about a month ago and have been going out twice a week. I am currently doing between 10-12 miles per ride.
The first few miles are fine but then I start to find my saddle (standard saddle which came with my bike) uncomfortable, both front and back. My coccyx is painful to sit on, even more so the following day when I'm sitting at work but this is something I'm hoping will improve over time.
My main issue is with my 'lady bits'...after a few miles, I find myself constantly wriggling about, standing up, moving back & forth - I just can't find a position that I can ride comfortably in. OH has adjusted my saddle from flat to sloping down slightly at the front but that's not really made a difference. I dont know if I'm sitting too far forward because of my coccyx pain? Or I really do have the wrong type of seat? Is this something that all ladies have to put up with? Should I think about changing my seat already? I already wear padded pants, which help - but not enough!
Thanks for any advice...I'm sure I'll be back with many more questions in time

This is my first post as a new member to the forum
I'm a complete novice when it comes to cycling and only just got back on a bike a few months ago at the age of 31, having not ridden since I was a child. My OH is a keen cyclist and after seeing his progression over the past few years, it made me want to get myself a bike and improve my fitness (as I was literally doing zero exercise). Needless to say, I am having to start at the very beginning...
I got myself a hybrid bike (Giant, Escape 1 W) through cyclescheme about a month ago and have been going out twice a week. I am currently doing between 10-12 miles per ride.
The first few miles are fine but then I start to find my saddle (standard saddle which came with my bike) uncomfortable, both front and back. My coccyx is painful to sit on, even more so the following day when I'm sitting at work but this is something I'm hoping will improve over time.
My main issue is with my 'lady bits'...after a few miles, I find myself constantly wriggling about, standing up, moving back & forth - I just can't find a position that I can ride comfortably in. OH has adjusted my saddle from flat to sloping down slightly at the front but that's not really made a difference. I dont know if I'm sitting too far forward because of my coccyx pain? Or I really do have the wrong type of seat? Is this something that all ladies have to put up with? Should I think about changing my seat already? I already wear padded pants, which help - but not enough!
Thanks for any advice...I'm sure I'll be back with many more questions in time