Apparently I now have flat feet, particularly the one at the end of my shorter leg. I'm off to the sports clinic next month but in the meantime have a fortnight's holiday when I shall have plenty of time to do targeted exercises.
Can anyone suggest exercises for strengthening the arches? The physio told me to start with the 'try to pick up a pencil with your toes' one; and I have seen another where you roll your feet slightly outwards and rise to the points, knees straight ahead.
Some of the literature suggests that flat feet can be supported mechanically but not corrected by exercise, which is not a particularly cheery thought.
Can anyone suggest exercises for strengthening the arches? The physio told me to start with the 'try to pick up a pencil with your toes' one; and I have seen another where you roll your feet slightly outwards and rise to the points, knees straight ahead.
Some of the literature suggests that flat feet can be supported mechanically but not corrected by exercise, which is not a particularly cheery thought.