Exercise Recommendations

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New Member
What exercise routines would you suggest for someone preparing to start cycling? My job as a streamer keeps me seated in front of a screen for many hours, so I want to make sure I’m in good shape and take care of my back before my next bike trip. Any advice? Thanks! :smile:
walking for general fitness

and - er - cycling
just start gently and work up
if you have back problems then make sure your bike it the right height and adjusted properly
maybe even start on an exercise bike


Legendary Member
Yoga, yoga and more yoga. I swim 4 miles a week over 3 or 4 sessions, I gym three times a week, hard hit sessions, I ride my bike and on top of that I have 30+ minutes every single night with Adriene on youtube, I am 60 and still working hard running my own businesses. When just cycling it only got me fit for cycling and little else, that was on 150 miles a week including racing.


New Member
Thank you very much for your recommendations! :smile: I do cycling, of course, but now I want to approach it in a more professional way. That’s why I’m learning in a more formal manner. I truly love both cycling and being a streamer, and I really appreciate your advice. Have a nice day! :okay:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Exercise anything that doesn't get much of a workout whilst cycling.

There are plenty of cyclists who seem to be a fusion of two different bodies ie one fit, well developed 'lower' and a relatively scrawny (or fat) 'upper'.
Cycling and swimming have always worked for me. Found walking/running too high impact in the past and even detrimental to the legs for cycling. Everyone is different though.
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