Excellent and cheap rear LED on eBay 2 X 0.5 WATT

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Bike lights 1 new LED 2 x .5 watt 003.JPG

Picture taken at about 6.30 pm on 17/10 from outside the garage so half light. Very bright no idea how long the batteries will last may but only AAA. Never happy using them AA about same price 3 time the capacity. 3 settings on, flash and chase?
Excellent lights from China and a UK seller. Not much I will buy from China/Honk Kong particularly rechargeable batteries but never had a problem with lights. Obviously if buying from China you will have to put month long wait.


And UK seller


Same as Planet X ones.


In use the SMART half watt jobs, AAA NiMH, I get about 6 hours out of them before they show signs of dimming.
i am never really happy using rechargeables on rear lights as they tend to loose there power all once AND I forget to charge them at right the interval. Get home and find you were cycling with no light. I have though got one light with rechargeables an old someone gave which I put a nicelight bulb in which doesn't dim. the batteries are second generation so don't discharge themselves. 4 AA batteries 8 hours light. Long enough to make less likely I will forget. May put rechargeables in these.
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