Most amateur cyclists actually train/cycle too much without realising that rest is just as important. Riding 5-6 days a week is fine if one, maybe 2 of these days are recovery rides - that means spinning a low gear and letting the 65 year old granny pass you on the 3% gradient because otherwise you just end up exhausting yourself and your body wont recover. Rest is when the body rebuilds and becomes stronger. WAY too many cyclists forget this or pay no attention to it.
Also worth noting that everyone is different and recovery times vary, but there is defo an issue with cyclists seeing their fave pro talking about riding 7 days a week and trying to emulate them. Problem is pro's don't have a 9-5 job and a family to look after. We don't rest like they do. They joke about not standing when they don't need to, thing is they aren't joking. They train, eat and then sleep. Repeat! For the mere mortal, if you are feeling exhausted or sore then give yourself a rest day, or two if need be, as you will be doing numero uno no favours by training/cycling when already fatigued. You still have to work and function outside the bike.
So IMO, take it as it comes. Learn the way your body reacts to doing too much and learn when to rest up. From there you will be able to make huge leaps forward. Merely cycling all the time won't cut it. Most keen cyclists have over reached or over trained and will attest to this.
Good luck. After all is said and one, enjoy yourself.