Essex/London Cycle clubs?

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New Member
Easy now,

STarted commuting by bike a few months ago and have become a bit evangelical about it!

I am going to do a tour or two this year, but also like the idea of perhaps joining a club and cycling with likeminds.

I am however a little worried about turning up, knowing badger all about bikes in general, being considerably less fit than everyone or people laighing at my hybrid 8 speed cos everyone uses racers there ....

besides i know of no clubs anyway! Help!:laugh:


I know of a few Essex clubs, however, have you considered a half-way house and thought about joining the CTC and getting on some of their rides? They couldn't care less what you're riding, providing it's road worthy and they are to a man/woman a decent bunch. Once you join the CTC, you will be contacted by your local representative who will tell you where they ride from and when.

If you're more interested in regular Sunday rides, chain gangs during the week, racing and time trials, it would make sense to belong to a club and eventually you would upgrade your bike(s) to suit. However, even then I know Southend Wheelers for example do regular circuit rides on a Sunday and will not laugh at your bike and they will advise you of a club group who will match your pace.

Keep an eye on the "CC and informal rides" section as that's also a good starting point for riding and upping your mileage. The Friday Night ride to the coast (FNrttc) is legendary. And addictive. :blush: Again, which bike you use is up to you, but something with a few more gears would be recommended for all but the most hardy on some of the more hillier rides.


New Member
Sounds like a good starter, as I really dont know what it is I want to do! The CTC?..I havent heard of them......I'll have a look on the net.

Didnt want to turn up to a race on a penny farthing!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
If you are looking for more informal rides rather then a road cycling club, you should check the rides section of this Forum. We have a good few Essex types here and a few of them organise rides in your neck of the woods.
The LCC will also have rides in your area and the YACF does a lot of Essex Rides too.
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