the tank engine
- Location
- Woking/Norwich
I've had this a few times now. I've used my camera for a commute, get back and find it's kind of 'stalled'. The screen just displays a number in the timer, the colon and the frame rate thing. It has made a video file on the SD card, but it's corrupt/0bytes big.
I thought it might be one of the SD cards, but it happens with both. I've just restarted the camera and it now shows that there is about 24 minutes of recording time left, which would suggest it stopped filming about half an hour into my ride.
Though, so far it's not been a big issue, there have been a few small incidents that I would have posted, but if I got knocked off and found out it hadn't recorded properly I'd be really annoyed so does anyone have any idea what is wrong/how to fix it?
I thought it might be one of the SD cards, but it happens with both. I've just restarted the camera and it now shows that there is about 24 minutes of recording time left, which would suggest it stopped filming about half an hour into my ride.
Though, so far it's not been a big issue, there have been a few small incidents that I would have posted, but if I got knocked off and found out it hadn't recorded properly I'd be really annoyed so does anyone have any idea what is wrong/how to fix it?