A couple of months ago I received a set of electron f-pod lights as a welcome gift for joining British cycling. They've been great.
When I set off on my evening commute yesterday the front one wouldn't switch on, I assumed I'd forgotten to turn it off in the morning, and it was out of charge.
Got home, plugged it in to charge, that wast the problem. Put it to one side and went to bed.
This morning when I got up it was flashing away merrily on my side board!!!! But I can't switch it off!!!!
Any ideas? The switch, which is the lens, is stiff. Ive taken it apart but can't see anything obvious... meanwhile it continues to flash away.....
A couple of months ago I received a set of electron f-pod lights as a welcome gift for joining British cycling. They've been great.
When I set off on my evening commute yesterday the front one wouldn't switch on, I assumed I'd forgotten to turn it off in the morning, and it was out of charge.
Got home, plugged it in to charge, that wast the problem. Put it to one side and went to bed.
This morning when I got up it was flashing away merrily on my side board!!!! But I can't switch it off!!!!
Any ideas? The switch, which is the lens, is stiff. Ive taken it apart but can't see anything obvious... meanwhile it continues to flash away.....