Edge 800

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Lee Murray

Hi, i was thinking of buying a Garmin Edge 800 and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them? My main riding is by mountain bike so was looking at getting the 'trail' bundle that comes with 1:50,000 OS mapping for the whole of the UK. I also do quiet a bit of road biking and was thinking, OS mapping would surely be ok for this as well.

Is this a money making scheme by Garmin to make you buy city mapping and trail mapping or am i missing something?




Über Member
You are more than likely to be able to download maps from a 3rd party source


I have both the OS mapping and the City Navigator mapping - both are good and do the job but i actually prefer the OS mapping for roads as well as off road, so it is more than OK.
There is a system called Open Street Map that gives fully functional mapping. Not as good as the GArmin original, but more than enough for most uses.

There is a site by a chap called Frank Kinlan that has all you ever need to know about the Edge 800... Dummies Guide to the Garmin Edge 800

It includes advice on mapping and downloading



Got the same bundle 800 with OS maps. Works flawlessly - been nicknamed "moanin' mary" (or slightly less polite B****in' Betty) as it doesn't hesistate in reminding you you're sligtly off the trail (when following routes). Screen is slightly disappointing if you're used to iPhones or the like, but it does its job. If you get one have a search for GPS bike sites - usually loads of trails / routes to download and explore - easier than creating your own (I know, very lazy!).

I believe you can download and use 3rd party maps - these are usually routable if you get the good oepnd source ones, but I went for the OS and haven't been disappointed. If I needed routable road maps instead of the OS I'd probably download them rather than buying as it would only be used infrequently.

Frank Kinlan's site (that Cunobelin suggested) is really good to get you going with stuff...


Open Street Map has its fans but the coverage can be really patchy in places - in my local area the coverage for the roads is generally fine but the quality of the mapping on the hills is poor - lack of contour lines, streams / burns are not mapped, large chunks of woodland aren't there either. It isn't so much the information on the maps is wrong (although there is a bit of that) its just there isn't much information at all.

Of course you could be lucky and be riding in an area where the mapping is good, but you dont know what it is going to be like until you know the area (and i suppose if you know the area then there is less need for the mapping in the first place).


I went the same way as shedder10. Once you get used to its foibles its great, I did have quite a few trips at first where the routing wasnt working or it didnt record the trip, but thats more down to the fact that the manuals are crap than the gear
Lee Murray

Lee Murray

Thanks everyone, Edge 800 ordered, should be here tomorrow.

Some good sites recommended by you all, thanks.


Here for rides.
I've done a whole stack off off roading in Scotland and Wales with OpenCycleMaps on a Garmin Vista HCx without problem. I draw the route I plan to take on bikehike usings their OS maps, load it onto the GPS as a track and follow the, in my case, light blue line.

I keep thinking about buying a GPS that uses OS mapping but I still have misgivings about the 'looking at an OS map through a toilet roll' effect of the tiny screens and the cost of getting any decent amount of 1:25000 mapping.

Any thoughts comments?


I love my 800 for road and off-road use - have even used it whilst hill-walking on one occasion! Easy to use. The OS 1:50K maps are the best. I bought the trail bundle - defo worth the money
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