EBC pannier fitting

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I have a little problem with fitting my new EBC panniers (the red waterproof ones) to the rack on the Country Traveller.

First off the hard plastic strip that the top clips attach to is in the way as when you put it on as the "legs" for the rack curve out slightly before going vertical. It is only a couple of mm but it seems to be awfully hard to get the clips onto the rack and I fear it could be straining them too much. I can't imagine what would happen if I have a load of shopping or touring equipment in them. They are only plastic so I wouldn't want them to be under too much strain.

Secondly the bottom clips is permanently facing horizontal and slides along a small plastic bar and can be tightened to keep it in position. The trouble with it is that because the bar is only so long, that even when it at the end of it's travel the bag sits too far forward and fouls the cantilever brakes on the bike by pushing on them. Due to the design of the rack I can only mount the hook on the one properly vertical leg which just happens to be the one that is furthest forward. Trying to put it on one of the slanting legs results in it being fiddly to fit and not really secure as a small slip will dislodge it from the rack because it relies on friction.

I have called EBC about this and they have said that despite it being a popular combination (that bike and set of panniers) they have never had this issue raised with them. Despite this, the guy said he will have a go at fitting ones they have in stock at their shop to the same rack to see if they can sort something else out. If not I can return them for replacement or refund.

It does seem to me that they might not have thought things through when they designed the panniers. I would've though that a hook on an extending bungee would be better than sliding clip, that way it could fit simply onto the horizontal part towards the back, I have seen other makes of pannier that use such a system. The plastic strut that the top hooks mount on to seems to be a little weird, I know that it is to keep the top rigid but if it interferes with fitting to the rack with slightly protruding legs then I don't see the use. Are legs like the ones found on my rack a common thing or not?

If it comes back as saying that they don't fit an I return them, could anyone suggest an alternative? A shame really because they are really well made, the perfect capacity for me and totally waterproof.


Crewe, Cheshire
I have had a call back from EBC this morning with some advice on how to fit these panniers. The guy had had a fiddle with getting them on a bike that they had there.

First he told me to take the blue plastic inserts out, I have done tis and now it fits fine onto the rack and the curved out legs don't seem to get in the way as much as I thought they might. I can easily slide it on and off and use the blue clips to hold it tight for transit.

The bottom clip was more of a pain. He suggested hooking it around the dog-leg section on the rear on the pannier with the hook facing backwards. I tried this but the design of the hook meant that it couldn't go low enough because of the horizontal section in the way. This meant that the panniers bunched up midway when the clips on top were done up.
I have now got them on the dog-leg but facing forward and this seems to be better. The clips can get that little bit lower and hold everything steady. The only issue is that the hook is right at the end of it's travel on the bar and I am a little concerned on how robust it is and how likely it is to fall off. I can't really tighten the little screw any more as I will just strip the head.

I still have the option to send them back if I want but ATM I have them at least attached and looking usable.
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