Eating loads

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middle of nowhere in France
the day after a longish ride, which for me is about 60km i just cannot stop eating, usually carbs like cake, bread, bananas. the other day i ate about 3000 worth of calories (all rubbish)
I do take water with me and a banana, and on the day of the ride i dont feel that hungry when i get home, how can i avoid the day after binge !!!


have a big post ride meal - might put the carb pangs to bay the next day


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Lock the fridge?

I suffer the same 'illness' ....POS or pig out syndrome.

I tried pigging out on fruit and veg but I still end up with cake and ice cream...

I try telling my self I'm not riding body doesn't take chances and dismisses my brain in an instant.

None of this is helping!


Senior Member
I used to get this. Recovery shake as soon as I get in the door (3:1 carbs / protein, I use For Goodness Shakes Procovery) followed by a high protein meal within an hour (e.g. lean steak / chicken, sweet potato, veg) cured it completely for me.


Insert witty title here
Don't eat carbs! Eat stuff with lots of protein and fat, meat for example. Protein and fat induce a feeling of satiety, carbohydrates just make you stuffed, eventually. Also it's carbs which are metabolised to fat, not protein, or fat! I'm not an Atkins advocate, but avoiding refined carbs is certainly a great idea, and avoiding starchy carbs is equally important (potato, pasta, bread).


Nr Cambridge
the day after a longish ride, which for me is about 60km i just cannot stop eating, usually carbs like cake, bread, bananas. the other day i ate about 3000 worth of calories (all rubbish)
... ohh another 750 to go until you're at my base line daily intake before I've turned the pedals. :eek:

As bozmandb9 said, don't go for carbs, of if you do make sure that it's stuff with butter etc. in so you get those satisfiers in.

Ben M

Senior Member
Carbs and protein straight after the ride. Protein before bed that day.

Then, to avoid eating crap, simply don't buy any crap and instead stock up on decent food.
Don't eat carbs! Eat stuff with lots of protein and fat, meat for example. Protein and fat induce a feeling of satiety, carbohydrates just make you stuffed, eventually.

I'll throw a +1 behind this if you're not doing a big training session the day after. What works for me (and it may only be me) is to have quick digesting carbs and protein straight after a big ride and a bit more carbs and protein in the hours following from fresh food all for recovery. After that if you're still having massive hunger pangs eat more proteins and natural fats from fresh food sources in your next meal and reduce the carbs down. Sciency hormone stuff tells us that fats and protein leave you more satiated in general and will stop the up and down carb cravings. My usual waffling disclaimer about me not being an expert or qualified in any way :thumbsup:. Feel free to tell me I'm an idiot.
Carbs and protein straight after the ride. Protein before bed that day.

Then, to avoid eating crap, simply don't buy any crap and instead stock up on decent food.

And while I was writing what I wrote Ben M wrote a much better post :thumbsup: .

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
IME your body adjusts eventually. If you get very hungry the day after doing 60 km for the first time, once you have done the distance a few times you will not feel the need to eat as much.
A big porridge based breakfast before a ride gives one energy during it, means less hunger afterwards.
It works for me, of course everybody is different, you need to experiment with nutrition, find what's right for you.
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It's a bit more complicated than that...
Pat's right - massive hunger after an event is a sign that you haven't eaten enough before and during. Sometimes that's unavoidable - if you're on a week-long tour it's almost impossible to eat enough, but for a single day event it's not. There's a reason marathon runners eat lots of pasta the night before - it's good fuel. Then afterwards listen to your body. If it's anything like mine it'll want a bit more protein than usual, but a healthy dose of carbs too.
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