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Hi I’m planing to cycle from Dunkirk down through france to Santander in Spain .. would anyone have any advise the best route on good roads or maybe someone has even done this 🤔 Rod ?
Hi I’m planing to cycle from Dunkirk down through france to Santander in Spain .. would anyone have any advise the best route on good roads or maybe someone has even done this 🤔 Rod ?
How much time have you got and what do you like?
The obvious route to me is EV 4 west to Caen, V43 south to Angers, EV 6 west to the Atlantic, when EV 1 down the west coast, but it's far from the shortest route!
I've ridden parts of all three EV routes mentioned, but almost none of that route.
Great reply’s ! Sorry for my lack of information 🙄 I hope to do this at the end of may and probably on my own and try and use a tent for sleeping but occasionally use a hostel for a shower ! I’d like keep you roads if I could and do 100 miles + per day .. does this make more sense .. and thank you for any help ..
Are you used to doing 100 miles + a day toting a tent and gear?
A quick look at Cycle Travel suggests a pretty direct route (not one that I'd personally do) of about 1500 km and about 9000 meters of climbing. Given 14 days riding that's just over 100 km per day. Every day. Taking 12 days of riding that's 125 km for every one of those days.
Take a more interesting route and that daily distance goes up.
It wouldn't be my thing and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone who didn't have some experience with those distances on a sustained basis.
I'll leave it to folks more experienced to chime in.
Good luck!
No, in France, like most of Europe, bikes are banned from any road showing a car in a blue square as well as those with a bike in a red circle or a motorway symbol like in England, and they are used much more. For example, if you head south from Dunkerque port, you cannot ride on N316 or D300. Not that it would be much fun.In England you can cycle on all roads apart from the motorways I’d it the same in France ?