Du you get the most out of your bike?

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Well-Known Member
This question is geared to people who have a bike around the 900-1000+ pound mark.

Do you get the most out of it in terms of usage. (ie) do you use it for commuting and club rides or sporting events etc.

The reason I ask is I feel 1000 pounds is a hell of a lot of money and if I was to spend that amount it would have to be used for more than just going to work, unless I lived miles away


The Glue that binds us together.
Use my best bike for commuting are you sure, i have an old mtb for that, i feel i get the best from my road bike evening rides, club rides and the odd sportive, don't want to wear it out commuting.^_^
My commuter was a 900 bike, but I've put an upgrade or two on it. It definitely had its use, I've done about 4500 miles on it in 18 months.

My MTB is a 1200 bike, I've been on it a lot, but nowhere near as much as I'd like - however I tend to do this as a social thing, so it depends on having others go with me. I certainly don't regret the purchase.

My road bike is a 2800 bike, and I've only ridden 30 miles on it! However, it's new and it's my 'dry weather only' bike, so that's a reflection on the weather these past few days!


My Tricross was retailing at around £850 when new and yes, I think I do get most of the most out of it. Off and on roads, it's done the highest mileage of any of my bikes, despite being the newest.


Über Member
I don't actually own a bike that expensive, but there are multiple ways to think about this.

Many people who don't cycle, or are not avid cyclists/commuters will give you a "HOW MUCH?!" expression if you use the words "£1000" and "bike" in the same sentence - But compare this to other hobbies. A £1000 bike could easily last 10 years if you buy wisely, so £100 a year.

Now imagine how much a football fan who regularly frequents matches pays in ticket fees - Far over £100 a year!


Fast and careful!
My over hobby is clay shooting,I have grands worth of guns in the cabinet ,like bikes one gun does not do every thing,
Unless you are totally serious why does any one spend a lot on a bike ? Speed ,weight etc ,until you have the experience to know what you require a £100 second hand might fit the bill ,then spend more when you know your needs and what fits


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
When was the last time you bought a car for sub £1000? Was it a shed? I bet it was. So £1000 for a road going vehicle isn't really that much.


Formerly just_fixed
brompton 750, upgraded to schlumpf speed drive +400, changed from m to p to m/p +200, brooks +50, rear wheel custom bulid +50, rear rack +25, ergons +40, pedals +30, dyno system +250 (edelux and b&m), +200 on tyres and igh spares, luggage systems messing about +200.

+19,000 miles and a few 200km's since 2009 - i reckon i've had my moneys worth.
No, not really
Up until a year sho, yes, I used it to commute as well as 30 mile evening rides and longer on a weekend.
This was as well as some events.
Unfortunately , due to health issues, I find I'm not as able as I used to be.


Über Member
My bike is now worth about £900. Iv owned it for 1 1/2 years. The money iv not spent going to and from work via bus/driving and parking in that time is about £1700. So by my reckoning that makes me £800 better of with the bike than without it.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
The commuter is "only " £400 new and over the last 3 years since i bought it the bike has covered about 10,000 miles , a few more on the rigid MTB that cost £40 off ebay as a winter OMFG its snowing hack .

I reckon the money i have saved even taking into account wear and tear + clothing more than pays for my nice bike which currently only gets used for weekend rides and club runs.The plan is to keep it in as good a nick for as long as possible till the commuter dies then try and convince SWMBO that it needs downgrading to the workhorse and a new bike to take its place ......eventually.


My bikes RRP is £999 (last years 9 speed equilbrium). I ride it everywhere. It goes to work everyday (at least 20 miles). On days off it goes on 50 mile rides. Worth every penny.


Senior Member
Mine cost around £900, I've done about 7000 miles on it in a year, done a few upgrades, 2 new sets of wheels, chain replacements, cassettes, saddle, seat post etc. It's ridden 5 or 6 days a week, every week.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I use my carbon fibre bike for commuting and pleasure. The only things I don't use it for are off road and family rides as that would be silly.


Velo, boulot, dodo
I feel 1000 pounds is a hell of a lot of money and if I was to spend that amount it would have to be used for more than just going to work, unless I lived miles away

Spend less. I ride to work on a Specialized Singlecross that cost £300.

Having said that I'm thinking of getting a steel road bike (I'm thinking Surly Pacer or similar) at around that sort of price and I'd be sure to get plenty of use out of that- pretty much all my leisure riding and commuting for a good number of years.
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