A real special bit of dumbass fuc*wittery took place in front of my eyes today....driving (in my c*r) towards a mini roundabout on a narrower than average road through a busy village, there are 3 cyclists, 2 of them children, coming towards me, with 2 cars behind them. I see the 1st car indicate right on the approach to the roundabout, so ease off the accelerator as I presumed she was turning right......oh no no no no, this one is overtaking 3 cyclists about 2 car lengths before the roundabout!! Never mind, I managed to give her enough room to complete her manoeuvre. The I made the error of judgement by thinking all was ok....... oh dear, fuc*wit number 2 now decides she can't see mini roundabout or me, only the 3 cyclists that need to be passed now, this instant, without hesitation or deviation. Once I stopped and held my hands up in despair she held her hand up in a thank-you gesture........ I give up!!!!