dominant foot??

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This might seem like an odd question, but as i haven't been cycling that long (about 4 weeks-though i've owned the bike over a year) i thought I'd ask. Do people have a dominant foot whilst cycling? I ask as i noticed my left foot seems to feel the stress more that my right foot (which i thought odd as I'm right handed so would have expected it to be the other way around!). So am i mad or does one foot do more work that the other??? Cheers.


Not something that I have noticed in my time, I know that I predominanly unclip my left food but probably as my right leg has more power and I find it easier to pull away with it. I get a bit of stress in my joints but that is more down to my running I think.


Well-Known Member
Ive never really thought about it but i suppose it would depend what foot you are i.e. what foot you kick with, i guess this would feel more natural to baloance with unclip/clip 1st etc


North Carolina
One of your legs could be slightly longer than the other. If you are riding with clipless pedals one could need adjusting. It could be a number of things actually I think. I never notice much in my feet unless I am doing a longer ride or if it is cold and my toes get cold. Not sure about having a dominant foot.
Cue fnaar stage left - I've got a dominant 12 inches, but I don't use it as a rule *boom tish*

On a serious note, IME most people mirror their handedness when cycling, so being right handed I push off with my right foot and unclip my left when the need arises.


Senior Member
I always set off using my right foot (I'm right handed) and lean on my left foot when I stop.
At the moment my right leg is covered in bruises, I'm still getting used to the new bike and have smacked myself in the leg with the pedal numerous times :B)
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