Do I really need a E-bike

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I commute to the office at least once a week (34 round trip). I have to go in twice a week but somehow just can’t seem to do it. Especially the morning trip in - when I get a bit stressed about it.

Even though I have been doing it for a couple of years - I have struggled over the last 9 months. I know some of it is due to my personal life.

I find the drivers more aggressive and it’s even though I break it to with a pit stop at my mothers the last few miles are tough.

An e- bike in theory would make this easier but I don’t know having never tried it.

A part of me feels like I am letting myself down but I don’t want to stop cycling as I enjoy it - but I am struggling.

What do you guys think?

Deleted member 26715

Do it


Legendary Member
I can't work out why your struggle is directly associated with a push bike. An e bike will not resolve aggressive drivers, stress or personal problems which is all you mention. Are you additionally struggling with strength, fitness and energy?


Certainly would not be letting yourself down - a quick way to get to 15.5mph and then its down to you entirely thereafter anyway. An ebike with torque sensing rather than speed sensing is the more natural to ride.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Thirty four miles round trip is a fair old way. I'm not surprised that you might find that a bit hard sometimes. How about getting an ebike for the times you can't face it, and try the human powered one when you do?


I can't work out why your struggle is directly associated with a push bike. An e bike will not resolve aggressive drivers, stress or personal problems which is all you mention. Are you additionally struggling with strength, fitness and energy?
I think I am struggling with fitness and energy and it’s most acute when cycling. Hence the link to cycling. Perversely I love riding - even in cold weather - I just find empty roads and turn the pedals


Legendary Member
Going on the info you have given I personally would not get an e bike. Instead I would look at changes in diet and route and also look at using public transport an extra day a week for the winter months

footloose crow

Über Member
Cornwall. UK
My wife recently bought an e -road bike. Looks like a road bike and take the battery out, it is a road bike although an 11kg one. (14kg with battery). She doesn't use the battery on the flat but likes the gentle assistance on the hills. It means that she comes out with me on cycle rides when before she didn't. There is quite a bit of research on whether e-bikes make you lazier/less fit and the conclusion is that compared to a non e-bike, an e-bike user has a heart rate 10 beats less. Not much. You still get fit. My wife still works up a sweat but no longer stops half way up the hill and lies across the handlebars, moaning at me for choosing this route. She still has to make an effort, but it makes 8% hills feel like 3% hills. Or less if you ramp up the assistance.

You can get much more powerful motors and huge amounts of assistance. Those are the bikes you see passing fit young roadies on steep hills. My wife wanted to feel she was still exercising but also to bridge the gap between us. I still drop her on the flats where her bike is 5kg heavier than mine (cos she won't use the motor on the flat) but she passes me on the hills. Today, on a relatively flat route she didn't use the motor at all and averaged about 12mph - which is for some reason, faster than she used to be on the hybrid she had before. I think just being on a drop bar bike seems to have some psychological effect.

It has opened up longer days, bigger distances, hillier routes. We are looking forward to cycling in France in the summer and doing some of the longer harder routes we have not done together before.

I don't know if any of this helps you. We borrowed an e-bike for a day before buying one. Many of the retailers will hire or lend an e-bike for a day. so why not give it a go?


So can I use the bike without the battery in situ - if it’s a crank drive?

Sleuthey- I think you maybe right hence my questio


My ebike commute is / was 14 miles each way, this summer I did it once a week, occasionally twice and I cant tell you how nice it is to arrive at work relatively fresh, not sweating like a sweaty thing.
Ironically winter commuting that distance was never my thing, I just never could stand the cold for more than 45 minutes max, I never did find a way to stay warm, riding an ebike in the winter isnt any better if you're like me...but summer commuting that distance is a joy. I'd done it on my roadbike many times but you always end up sweating too much.
If you can afford one, why not, they're brilliant for longer commutes.


'Do I really need an ebike'

Isn't it a bit late to ask that now, I thought you bought one earlier today ?
in theory I can return it under distance selling rules. I use my bike to get around and I think the motivation this morning was because I was so tired yesterday.

I don’t mind riding in the cold - I just think it maybe nice not to have to worry about slowing right down at the end of a ride and then stressing about being too slow on the road.

it’s more the morning commute that worries me- more about getting late for work.
Getting home is less of an issue - but sometimes 1.5 hours feels long!


Mix and match, use the ebike when appropriate and the normal ones equally when appropriate. Usually my ebike gets used for commuting and shopping, the road bike for leisure rides. Adjust the level of assist for how much of a work out you want. As to riding it unpowered check the manufacturers details, some can, some cannot, some have to be powered but can be set to no assistance.


Über Member
You won’t regret having an ebike I will have a lot of fun on it for sure...I have a custom ebike plus a couple of other pedal bikes...I make sure I get out on the pedal bikes regularly so I don’t lose my bike legs....some days like if it’s windy the ebike will make your ride more enjoyable....good luck!
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