did you ever.......

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
..... feel like a prat when you went to complain about service and .....
it wasn't their fault?
That is exactly what happened to me this morning. Yesterday, I took my racer to be checked over and gears re- adjusted.
The lady who did it has 30 years experience of bikes and did a good job. I paid her and took the bike home, intending to go for a ride this morning.
Got up and left the house just before 11am and went on a 20 miles ride. All was well until I came to this long hill which I usually negotiate on the smallest of the front rings. Could I change from the other ring to the small one?
Could I hell! Tried all sorts and different pinions but nothig doing, it wouldn't shift.
So I went all the way up on a higher gear which was hard work but looking back now, glad I did it.
On my way home, I called at the shop , intending to complain a little.
The lady looked at the gears and said: " I dont undertand it, it was fine yesterday" then she tried the shifter a few times and it wouldn't go to the bottom gear, as I told her.
All of a suden, she looked up at me with a funny smile on her face and said; " I know why it doesn't shift, your hand pump has moved and is stopping the chain from moving over!"
I felt like a proper idiot that such a benign thing had forced me to run a higher gear all that time.:blush:
My pump is strapped to the upright frame that goes from the gears to the saddle and it had slipped down and moved to one side, stopping the chain from moving over.
Oh well, you live and learn!!


Waiting for the great leap forward
The middle bit
The only time i ever did something similar was years ago when i marched into Comet and had a big rant about a laptop or computer that hadn't worked properly since the day i'd bought it.
They listened very patiently before pointing out that the receipt in my hand was for Currys next door.


West Somerset
The only time i ever did something similar was years ago when i marched into Comet and had a big rant about a laptop or computer that hadn't worked properly since the day i'd bought it.
They listened very patiently before pointing out that the receipt in my hand was for Currys next door.



Well-Known Member
This it pays to always be calm and polite when going back to a shop when something isn't right.

Could you imagine if you had gone in all guns blazing shouting about what a terrible job they had done, as some people are inclined to do. That would have been more then a little embarrassing. :smile:
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