Dellzeqq's tip of the day - waterbottles

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pre-talced and mighty
1. Do not lose your wonderful Brixton Cycles waterbottle by putting it down beside a chair and then riding off without it. That's schtoopid
2. Do not go in to the next bike shop and buy any old large waterbottle, fill it up and stick it in your expensive carbon bottle cage, the reason for this being
3. if the bottle has a chamfer on the bottom end the weight of the water will push the bottle down which will then bear on the tip of the aforementioned expensive carbon supports, creating a lever effect which will get bigger and bigger throughout the day, eventually breaking the supports and ruining the cage, a ruination that will be greatly more expensive than the marginal cost of replacing your lost wonderful Brixton Cycles water bottle with something half decent.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Amateur mistake


Bionic Subsonic
Carbon bottle cages - world's going mad

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I have had 2 black Zefal water bottles since the mid 90's (well, more grey now really, due to all the scratches) and suddenly I can now only find one. I think I must have misplaced one during a family ride along the Monsall trail a few weeks ago but damn I miss it! The zefal cage and bottle was the only set-up I ever found that didn't drop out when hitting the rough stuff at speed (hence still owning the original bottles after at least 15 years and the little rubber cap meant you didn't get a mouth full of horse sh*t/cow dung everytime you took a swig.

I feel your pain Dellzeqq....


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've got a couple of BBB composite bottle cages - in grey and black they match the Ridgeback.

£1.50 bottles from Poundstretcher seem to fit in nicely. Given the potholes in West Yorkshire, losing the odd one or three, as I've done this year, seems worthwhile.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
1. Do not lose your wonderful Brixton Cycles waterbottle by putting it down beside a chair and then riding off without it. That's schtoopid
2. Do not go in to the next bike shop and buy any old large waterbottle, fill it up and stick it in your expensive carbon bottle cage, the reason for this being
3. if the bottle has a chamfer on the bottom end the weight of the water will push the bottle down which will then bear on the tip of the aforementioned expensive carbon supports, creating a lever effect which will get bigger and bigger throughout the day, eventually breaking the supports and ruining the cage, a ruination that will be greatly more expensive than the marginal cost of replacing your lost wonderful Brixton Cycles water bottle with something half decent.

You could always go back in the hope of finding it, think of the extra excercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Growing older but not up...
If you fill your water bottle with Perrier instead of plain tap tap water the bubbles of carbon dioxide therein will make it lighter. Simples.
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