So I've not been cycling to work and back long, and for the first time since I started its been snowing a little bit and it's getting VERY cold as it gets darker. So I'm mulling over whether I should ride home tonight and could do with some help making the decision!
- It's my last day of work this year, so if I don't, the bike stays at work until the 5th of Jan.
- I love riding!
- It's bloody cold.
- It may well be icy, and I'm not used to it.
- It may well be icy, and there's loads of close-passing HGVs on my route home.
- I'm still feeling a little shaky after being horribly sick during the night after eating some dodgy cheese.
Help me end my procrastination!
- It's my last day of work this year, so if I don't, the bike stays at work until the 5th of Jan.
- I love riding!
- It's bloody cold.
- It may well be icy, and I'm not used to it.
- It may well be icy, and there's loads of close-passing HGVs on my route home.
- I'm still feeling a little shaky after being horribly sick during the night after eating some dodgy cheese.
Help me end my procrastination!