Cletus Van Damme
Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
- Location
- Out in the sticks...
I have had minor problems with my back for years. However on Saturday my back was twinging slightly but I still went out for a cycle ride of round 24 miles as I have just started trying to rehabilitate after further knee surgery. My back was bothering me slightly during the ride, but foolishly I decided to clean the chain on my bike. I do not have a work stand and I normally do this just bending down over the crossbar and it always causes me discomfort in my lower back. Then in the evening I went round to see my brother to watch the football and sat in one these low back sofa's all night that are useless for your posture. On Sunday I was walking around stooped and in quite a bit of pain. Stupidly I went to a pub for a bar meal in the beer garden as the weather was good, I was just walking back to the table when I got a massive pain spasm in my lower back and just had to collapse in-front of everyone and the only relief from the pain was lying on a bench on my back. I managed to get home in the car and decided to rest in bed. Again stupidly I got up and somehow got downstairs only to collapse again with another spasm. This happened about 4 more times when I stood up trying to get upstairs to bed. In the end I admitted defeat and just lay in the hall, and my wife phoned a doctor whom came round at around 1am. He gave me an injection of a strong anti-inflammatory. He said that I should be able to walk around after 10 minutes and it was important to walk around to help repair my back. Anyway it did ease the pain a little but I still could not stand as I was getting pain spasms. I managed to crawl upstairs to bed. He also gave me some codeine tablets to take. I am still laid up now and I am only getting up very carefully to go to the toilet as I can still feel pain in my back. I have a feeling that I need to rest to this for 2 or 3 days. The doctor said to leave the bike for a week.
I am already having physio for my knee so when I can get out of bed I am going to go to see her about this problem.
I was just wondering how do people deal with this as it has scared me a little from doing physical exercise a little. Are there any exercises that can be done to help try to prevent it happening again in the future.
I am obviously going to buy a bike maintenance stand now for one thing as I need the bike up at a decent height for cleaning, and repairs etc.
I am already having physio for my knee so when I can get out of bed I am going to go to see her about this problem.
I was just wondering how do people deal with this as it has scared me a little from doing physical exercise a little. Are there any exercises that can be done to help try to prevent it happening again in the future.
I am obviously going to buy a bike maintenance stand now for one thing as I need the bike up at a decent height for cleaning, and repairs etc.