I'm Mike,
new kid on the block and looking for some guidance or general opinion on my first road bike. I'm sure that these newbie questions have been posted a thousand times so I'm sorry in advance but like all newbie's we've got to start somewhere.
I'm on a strict budget so initially looking at ebay and found a couple of bikes namely a Dawes 300 and a Claud Butler San Remo within the same price range but which one? Both similar or is one much worse than the other. I've questioned the year on the Claud but the seller doesn't know, it's supposedly new so I would hope it's the more recent year and not 2008.
Any advice is appreciated even if it's saying to stay well clear of both.
Thanks in advance!!
I'm Mike,

I'm on a strict budget so initially looking at ebay and found a couple of bikes namely a Dawes 300 and a Claud Butler San Remo within the same price range but which one? Both similar or is one much worse than the other. I've questioned the year on the Claud but the seller doesn't know, it's supposedly new so I would hope it's the more recent year and not 2008.
Any advice is appreciated even if it's saying to stay well clear of both.
Thanks in advance!!