Darwin Awards 2024

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Kilometre nibbler
Same. I had one last year when I had a blocked bile duct thanks to my knackered gall bladder.

Still I suppose it's easy to forget some common everyday things like hair grips and concealed firearms

Edit. This is someone who has been shot in the buttock and survived. I don't feel so bad about ridiculing this person.


Grand Old Lady
Still I suppose it's easy to forget some common everyday things like hair grips and concealed firearms

Edit. This is someone who has been shot in the buttock and survived. I don't feel so bad about ridiculing this person.

I'm glad I left my .44 Magnum and hand grenades at home that day. That might have left quite a hole in Derby Hospital!


Leg End Member
When I had an MRI I had to hand over all metallic stuff including IIRC my wedding ring
I've only had one MRI when I had metal on me. Shop keys in my back pocket and fastened to a belt loop. Immobilized on a back board at the time, and they couldn't reach them.

Every other time every piece of metal has been removed, and left away from the scanner.


Legendary Member

A bite from a dog that can exert over 2500psi with its jaws and has a nervous system so adapted to combat the there are examples of dogs being disemboweled and still continuing the attack is definitely a different league.

You'd stand a decent chance of fighting off or subduing a Jack Russell or a Labrador, but a devil dog...? Forget it.
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