Darwin Awards 2024

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
May I start with the 2024 Darwin Awards with......


Very much a worthy nominee.


Grand Old Lady
The Darwin Award never used to strike me as laughter at the expense of someone who has died. It does now though. Just when is it right to laugh about someone who has died? We all do it though, a more extreme form of Schadenfreude perhaps?


Grand Old Lady
The Darwin Award never used to strike me as laughter at the expense of someone who has died. It does now though. Just when is it right to laugh about someone who has died? We all do it though, a more extreme form of Schadenfreude perhaps?

If it's good enough for horrible histories then it's good enough for me.



Ãœber Member
The Darwin Award never used to strike me as laughter at the expense of someone who has died. It does now though. Just when is it right to laugh about someone who has died? We all do it though, a more extreme form of Schadenfreude perhaps?

I find it a little unsavoury. Someone has died. They will leave behind family. They're (although not exclusively) idiots rather than nasty people. Ridiculing their death online which their family will see forever is not particularly nice.
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