Reviving this, old thread. What with the current closure of the Gravesend/Tilbury ferry, which by statutory right, has to continue to be run, even if it's once a year, this must put added use to the Dartford crossing, I've not used it much, but regularly used to be Tilbury ferry.
Occasionally I'd go to the Dartford, but my serious use of either crossing had stopped years ago, but well remember the 'Taxi' service crossing the tunnel to Dartford.
I had hoped to cross with the ferry before it closed ,but it never was an attractive route for me, the busy industrial route to Tilbury, and the congested hilly routes on the Kentish side, having to use the Dartford crossing puts an extra 15 miles on an already dystopian route.
I do hope that the ferry will be reinstated , it's a vital route for some, when British Rail run the service it was well used, but a lack of trains to Tilbury Riverside,has surely put the kybosh on this route.
Incidentally, the terminus is ,I believe of listed status, the rail station was built to serve the Cruise ships ,and occasional shipping services to exotic destinations, I dread to think the condition of the building now.