Damage to frame

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Re member eR
This morning as I was shifting my bike I just happened to notice a dent on the downtube.
From the pics you can see it is at the bottom of the tube just above the BB and directly in front of the wheel.
So given the position I don't think it is likely to have been caused by anything hitting or dropping on the frame.
My thoughts are that it's corrosion on the inside, even though from the outside the frame still seems firm.

This is what it looks like:
frame damage 005.JPG
frame damage 004.JPG
frame damage 004.JPG

And this is what the frame looked like a couple of years ago when I was tarting it up:


So the questions are.................
Safe for a bit or not?
Scrap it now before it kills me?


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Funny place that Col!

I wouldn't worry about it myself. Next time the BB's out have a rummage and see if you can figure out how rusty it is. As it goes though i'd say you'd see it crack before it broke.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I reckon that you probably rode over a pebble which the back wheel then flipped up against the tube. I have heard some loud clunks from my bikes from that happening.

I would carry on riding the bike but check the frame regularly.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Looks like an impact damage - the theory about an attempted theft might be right. I'd just whip the BB out and have a poke about, just incase. Otherwise just ride it.


Re member eR
Thanks for the replies.

It's been with me all the time I've been out and don't lock it up anyway. Well not at home. The only ride I've done was last weekend and from memory nothing unusual happened. No clonks or clangs and big bangs down potholes either.
For all I know It's been there for ages but somehow I don't think I would have missed it.
Oh well I'll suck it and see.
If the frame collapses and I get moved on to the hereafter I'll be sure to come back and haunt you all.


Are the rear stays okay?

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Yes they are fine, seem still perfectly aligned. I'm tempted to press the dent hard with a screwdriver and see what happens.

I can resist the temptation though. ^_^
I was going to suggest the old MOT inspectors pointy hammer but to be frank, if it had corroded enough to push in that much I suspect you would be able to put your finger through it as there would only be paint left holding it together.

In my totally unprofessional opinion and without accepting any responsibility, or actually physically examining the bike, I would say it is definitely impact or attempted theft damage and as it is a steel frame and considering the location and extent of the damage, ride on! :thumbsup:


I would say impact, and I fix dents for a living. Corrosion enough to pull that in would show through the paint in a bubble like fashion.
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