Mines on the left because I've never bothered to change it with the magnet for the computer on the right, I don't think I've had a problem with tyre direction.
If you read the Chris Hoy biography, he mentions that he raced the high altitude flying k with it on the wrong side. So, even Sir Chris can make a mistake on the correct/wrong side.
Having the skewer on the wrong side is as crass as passing the port to the person on ones right. It is not done, and no gentleman would ever invite such a social ignoramous to accompany his club on a ride ever again.
To have the skewer facing forwards is like serving red wine with fish. One simply doesn't do it, and such a social gaffe would see one having to draw ones future dinner guests from very much the lower orders.
As I understand it, & this comes from a trail riding perspective, if it faces forwards you have a chance of unintentionally releasing if you snag on an obstruction. Have it facing backwards.
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