Cycling with a Westie in tow?

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New Member
Hello there. I have decided to take up (fair-weather, leisure) cycling after a break of about 30 years on the basis that it has to be more interested than going to the gym and I need to do something to work off all the pies.

So I've been to my local cycle dealership (Harry Hall's in Manchester) where I've seen a hybrid bike I like (a Trek 7.3). My constant companion is a West Highland White terrier, Snowy. She's about 9 kg in weight and stands about 25 cm high at the withers. I would therefore like a basket in which she could accompany me.

The staff at Halls have recommended Basil animal carrying baskets. These are in wicker and so I'm therefore under no illusions as to how butch this is all going to look as it is straight out of The Wizard of Oz. But there are various sizes of basket: 50 x 42 x 33 cm and 40 x 32 x 29 cm.

So, I'd welcome any advice anyone has with dog-baskets in general and Basil ones in particular. But specifically, does anyone have any experience of transporting a Westie-sized dog and if so what size basket would you recommend? Also does the Basil - or any other make you might care to recommend - have a short lead or similar with which to secure the dog in the basket?




Formerly the anorak
there are dog trailers available and i would also suggest thinking of some kind of pannier rack mounted box/basket.

you should NOT use a lead to secure the dog, unless you want to risk hanging it. you should use a body harness. any good pet store should have one that you can adapt.


New Member
Now I like the trailer, although £140 is possibly more than I expected to spend.

I'm not sure about front-mounted baskets. Snowy would love it, but I can imagine it wouldn't do anything for the stability of the bike or its steering if she suddenly moved to bark at a squirrel or some such.


Legendary Member
You might be interested in this couple who are cycling round the world with their two dogs. They have one in a trailer and one in a box on the rack.

buzzy bee

New Member

My two dogs would be off out of the basket quicker than you could say no, they would soo see a cat or a rabbit to chase! hehe I like the trailer too, £140 less than 40p a day for a year, and you have paid it off, hehe


Have to agree that our westies would not appreciate being in a basket but they do love their trailer:
Can't remeber how much we paid exactly but it was a lot less than £140 (£86 I think from ebay)

It formed the basis of my Alp d'Huez training towing the dogs
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