cycle this way sometime and if you come passed me, I will say hello.No one ever nods at me, why is that? Is because they are stuck up roadies?
You are having a better success rate than me, I've only got one regular saying good morning, but some more smile, I'm still working on the rest!I say hello to all cyclists irrespective of whether they return the hello or not or what bike they are on. Some of them I meet routinely and all now say hello except for two- still working on one, a male sadly another roadie, but I will keep saying hello until he give in; the other I have given up on, a sour grape of a woman on a BSO who thinks she is visible wearing a yellow hi-viz works jacket in bright sunshine in spring green colours... sadly she just vanishes at this time of year (I just wish I could take a photo of her to show her sometimes!)
cycle this way sometime and if you come passed me, I will say hello.
There is one girl that I sometimes see commuting to primary school (not her nearest one, about 1.5 or 2 miles away), and I've gradually got to know her, from the first time I came across her cycling on the wrong side of the road behind her mum (who didn't realise), a year or two ago. I now see her every couple of weeks and greet her and her mum warmly.I say hello loudly to anybody on a bike of any description. I take particular delight in greeting the tiniest kids being escorted along the pavement on tiny bikes with stabilisers and mum on escort duty. These people are the future. Recognise them!
I try not to shake my fruit at strangers... some take it badly.I normally try to time it right whilst eating a banana and shake the fruit at emgets a smile