I would like an understanding of cycling insurance.
What exactly does it cover?
What exactly does it cover?
I would like an understanding of cycling insurance.
What exactly does it cover?
Interesting. Do you know if there are any insurances which act in the same way as car insurance? I.e. If a driver is found to cause an accident where they are at fault you can claim from their insurance. I think it would change driver attitudes significantly if they knew that their dangerous driving could cost them their NCB. Also it'd be nice to know that in the event of an incident I wouldn't be left out of pocket getting myself back on the road again
If you just want 3rd party, you can have that for £12 for the first year.
https://www.cyclechat.net/50% off LCC and British Cycling membership (includes insurance)https://www.cyclechat.net/
Interesting. Do you know if there are any insurances which act in the same way as car insurance? I.e. If a driver is found to cause an accident where they are at fault you can claim from their insurance. I think it would change driver attitudes significantly if they knew that their dangerous driving could cost them their NCB. Also it'd be nice to know that in the event of an incident I wouldn't be left out of pocket getting myself back on the road again
When I had my incident a couple of years ago I handed the claim to a company who pursued costs through the other driver's insurance. It didn't cost me a penny so i wouldn't pay insurance to get that service.
You shouldn't even need to get a company to do it, if you're savvy and determined enough. Anyone can claim against a driver's insurance, assuming they have a case, and the details.
Insurance companies will do anything to avoid paying though, so having someone official on your side helps, like a decent solicitor. The claimaint doesn't need to have insurance though.
Do you still have details of this company, Ian. Not that I need it now, but useful info to keep in the back pocket.