Cycling in the Morning

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I wake up at 5 every morning and do about 20 miles.Is it okay to do so immediately or do some sort of warm up or something?


Über Member
take your time to begin with. finish the ride with a sprint with sprints inbetween helps me
Yeah, I'm up at 5am each day for my commute. The most stretching I do is when I put my shoes on sitting on the floor. Gently stretch the Hamstring then my quads and inner thighs when I stand up, but really just a 15-20 second thing no real warming up as such. Same as Yahuda above, warm up on the bike for the first mile or so building gradually to a nice tempo. It's 3.5miles to my first climb but that is 5.5 mile long with just a couple of easy breaks. I've never felt any real discomfort.


Itching to get back on my bike's
i alway think that riding this early in the summer months is best time to ride , what with all the birds twittering away etc etc , and the roads being quieter , hope to get a few rides in this week as on later shift , but might just get up and do some bike related cleaning
The evidence is that stretching and warming up does little to avoid injuries despite everyone doing it so just get on with riding and maybe start off gently instead. The only thing to watch, and its not really a problem at 5AM, is what is known in the airline industry as "sleep inertia". You are more likely to make mistakes in the first 15 mins after waking up than at the end of a long tiring day. So be aware of that if you are mixing it with traffic that requires your wits about you.


I finish my commute with 5 mini-sprints up a fairly steep hill, possibly 2 or 3 in 10 gradient, between traffic lights.

Luckily I then have 20 minutes at the station then a 30 minute bus journey before I get to work.

Must check that gradient out...
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