Cycling in Leeds city centre, a rant 😒

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Ãœber Member
SW Leeds
TL;DR: not very good!

I popped into the centre today, intending to go to John Lewis.
My office is a little ways south of the centre so going north from Dewsbury Road area. First impression was good. there's a very nice 2 way segregated cycle path either side of the big figure 8 gyratory round Meadow Road area. That didn't last long, signs saying cycleway closed then barriers and roadworks. And actual workmen, some of whom even appeared to be doing stuff.

Great, now where?? When they close a road they have to plan a diversion and put signs up. I guess cycleways aren't important so they can randomly close them. Normally I'd just shrug and use the road but this is a massive 1-way loop and I'd have to go right round and take at least a half mile diversion. So f##k it, onto the pavement.

Then I need to cross the big junction, over the first crossing but hang on, even the pedestrian crossings are closed now, and there's barriers and plant across the whole thing. No way across without hopping barriers or another huge diversion.

So, ponder for a few seconds, and decide I've got to join the road which means cutting diagonally across this junction with no visible traffic signals. So it's a case of watching the other lanes and judging the traffic to guess which lanes are on red and which are green.

So now I'm on the road proper, going north past the Asda HQ. So I'll be good and stop for the red lights, as always. And btw I'm the only one on 2 wheels doing this. Up through the pedestrian areas (cycles explicitly allowed), pretty busy with peds but going v slow and careful and giving way.

A right onto King Edward St, past what used to be Debenhams. At the end now, I want to go straight on across Vicar Lane and onto a regular road and despite the retracting bollards being up there's a red traffic signal. Hmmm. OK I'll wait... and wait... getting some funny looks now. I conclude the lights will be synced to the bollards, so f##k it again. Yes I could have got off and walked but getting cheesed off now, and for sure nobody else I saw today was walking a bike. Across the street and down the road and look for the 2 fancy sculptural cycle stands that streetview shows in front of the Victoria shopping centre. Nope, they're gone!

Head a bit further down George St to JL itself. So there do seem to be a few stands outside Kirkgate Market entrance but tbh I wasn't feeling it there. Outside the market and a bit quieter, more of a service entrance area, and today's steed is a top brand e-bike. Spidey senses didn't want to lock it up there. I'd brought 2 SS Gold locks but wanted to lock it up out front in the busy, posh shopping area. I got off the bike and walked it back up through the indoor precinct (I'm not a complete animal!) to see if I'd maybe missed the bike stands, but no, not a single one on that street. Thoroughly fed up now, decided to sack off John Lewis entirely and head back to the office. On the way back again, a couple of points where pedestrian areas where cycles allowed segue into normal footways with no indication where bikes are supposed to go. Then a ninja Deliverwho rider on the usual illegal contraption tears diagonally from ped crossing to ped crossing across the road right in front of me, missing me by about 4 foot. Gets a choice word or two for his trouble but doubtless gives less than two s##ts.

I don't make a habit of going into the centre, now I'm once again reminded why. If they want folks to use bikes they need to address secure and convenient parking, and they need to actually put some thought into considering the entire route not a few short parts of it if they want folks to follow the rules doing so. It would help while planning these routes if they would bear in mind that bikes can't magically teleport between the cycleways ends and starts.

Next time I think I'll just take a longer lunch break and walk, it's way too much hassle.
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Leeds city centre cycling is as you've found a mess. Theres various very good lanes which are generally are of little to no use as they are not connected and frequently blocked with other plant as the works go on. And as you've found even if they were connected and not blocked, theres a chronic lack of safe and secure cycle parking in the city.

If there was parking available and you wanted to try again I'd avoid the city centre for that route. When you were on the road opposite Asda stay on the road and go up Crown Point Rd, over Crown Point Bridge and past the Bus Station to approach John Lewis from the rear. Go back the same way and I think Crown Point Rd has a contra flow for cyclists.

BTW The market does have a secure bike hub, oh wait it doesn't as it was only opened for 2 months 4 years ago and hasn't been seen since:banghead:


Ãœber Member
TL;DR: not very good!

I popped into the centre today, intending to go to John Lewis.
My office is a little ways south of the centre so going north from Dewsbury Road area. First impression was good. there's a very nice 2 way segregated cycle path either side of the big figure 8 gyratory round Meadow Road area. That didn't last long, signs saying cycleway closed then barriers and roadworks. And actual workmen, some of whom even appeared to be doing stuff.

Great, now where?? When they close a road they have to plan a diversion and put signs up. I guess cycleways aren't important so they can randomly close them. Normally I'd just shrug and use the road but this is a massive 1-way loop and I'd have to go right round and take at least a half mile diversion. So f##k it, onto the pavement.

Then I need to cross the big junction, over the first crossing but hang on, even the pedestrian crossings are closed now, and there's barriers and plant across the whole thing. No way across without hopping barriers or another huge diversion.

So, ponder for a few seconds, and decide I've got to join the road which means cutting diagonally across this junction with no visible traffic signals. So it's a case of watching the other lanes and judging the traffic to guess which lanes are on red and which are green.

So now I'm on the road proper, going north past the Asda HQ. So I'll be good and stop for the red lights, as always. And btw I'm the only one on 2 wheels doing this. Up through the pedestrian areas (cycles explicitly allowed), pretty busy with peds but going v slow and careful and giving way.

A right onto King Edward St, past what used to be Debenhams. At the end now, I want to go straight on across Vicar Lane and onto a regular road and despite the retracting bollards being up there's a red traffic signal. Hmmm. OK I'll wait... and wait... getting some funny looks now. I conclude the lights will be synced to the bollards, so f##k it again. Yes I could have got off and walked but getting cheesed off now, and for sure nobody else I saw today was walking a bike. Across the street and down the road and look for the 2 fancy sculptural cycle stands that streetview shows in front of the Victoria shopping centre. Nope, they're gone!

Head a bit further down George St to JL itself. So there do seem to be a few stands outside Kirkgate Market entrance but tbh I wasn't feeling it there. Outside the market and a bit quieter, more of a service entrance area, and today's steed is a top brand e-bike. Spidey senses didn't want to lock it up there. I'd brought 2 SS Gold locks but wanted to lock it up out front in the busy, posh shopping area. I got off the bike and walked it back up through the indoor precinct (I'm not a complete animal!) to see if I'd maybe missed the bike stands, but no, not a single one on that street. Thoroughly fed up now, decided to sack off John Lewis entirely and head back to the office. On the way back again, a couple of points where pedestrian areas where cycles allowed segue into normal footways with no indication where bikes are supposed to go. Then a ninja Deliverwho rider on the usual illegal contraption tears diagonally from ped crossing to ped crossing across the road right in front of me, missing me by about 4 foot. Gets a choice word or two for his trouble but doubtless gives less than two s##ts.

I don't make a habit of going into the centre, now I'm once again reminded why. If they want folks to use bikes they need to address secure and convenient parking, and they need to actually put some thought into considering the entire route not a few short parts of it if they want folks to follow the rules doing so. It would help while planning these routes if they would bear in mind that bikes can't magically teleport between the cycleways ends and starts.

Next time I think I'll just take a longer lunch break and walk, it's way too much hassle.

Wow, commiserations mate. That sounds miserable.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Welcome to my commute @Dadam - I come in from the south into just north of the city centre.

The path you found around Meadow Lane is OK on the far side, which is new up to Bridgewater Place, but the side you used is currently closed. And when it isn't it throws you directly into two lanes of oncoming traffic. It's all disconnected and frustrating. Oh, and if it's finished it's stop-start due to so many traffic lights on the cycle path.


Ãœber Member
You dont want to lock that bike up anywhere in the city centre. It will be stolen.
A 5K Electric Tern was stolen last week from near the Bus Station.
Get the bus and walk if you cant take the bike in with you.


West Yorks
The whole of Leeds City Centre is a complete and utter shambles, doesn't matter how your getting round, the council have created a City Centre that's impossible to access for deliveries and maintenance of the shops and any equipment they have in them, I've got one customer that I physically cannot get to in the van to service the FLT, yet you can access them via the new bus gate between 10pm & 5 am, let me see, I don't think so, I think many large shops will call it a day & leave, either to a retail park or just go altogether, Leeds City Council have killed the City off totally
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