Excuse posting here as not strictly touring, having previously taken my old MTB, this year I took my road bike on the family hols to the Vendee in France and sneaked out for a few early morning rides before the wife and children got up. What an absolute joy - smooth roads, no pot holes (well only a couple of v.small ones in 100+ miles), little traffic, nice fast and undulating routes and lovely countryside. After spotting a Roubaix on top of her car, spoke to a lady leaving the campsite totally depressed at the thought of returning home to pot holes, busy roads, with cars forcing us into the gutter and now I'm feeling the same. As a bit of a coward when it comes to speed, I even managed to nudge 30 mph (well 29.7mph according to the Cateye Velo very generously donated by Jimboalee). Only gripe was that despite my cheery greetings, most of the French cyclists I passed didn't seem keen on returning pleasantries. Maybe cycling is more a matter of course there than here where I find all cyclists I come across at the weekend cheerily greet one another when out for a ride. Or maybe it was fashion snobbery looking down at my modest plain cyling jersey, where it seemed every over-weight, middle aged cyclislt in France was clad top to bottom in lairy team colours :-)