Hi everyone l've just joined this forum and would like some advice about cycling. l have took up cycling after buying a 21 speed Vitesse sprint21 at christmas, at the moment l go out at weekends on it for about a hour and do between 13 to 14 miles. l have a Bells F20 computer on the bike which tells me my average speed is 13.7 mph and l would like to improve my speed with your help/tips....
l ride with the chain on the middle cog at the front and use mainly 4 or 5 on the back on flat ground and 3 at the back up hills and sit down all the time even up hills, l have no toe clips on the pedal at the moment... would this improve my performance.
l have tried using the small cog on the back on flat ground for a fair distance but find my thighs start to ache, my backside also aches while riding, will buying cycling shorts help to reduce the saddle aches.
Now 13 to 14 mph is not very fast so how can l get faster, and how the hell do these cyclists on tv and the even the ones l see on a sunday morning go so fast, what gears are they using and what are they doing what l could learn to do.... Help and advice please.
l ride with the chain on the middle cog at the front and use mainly 4 or 5 on the back on flat ground and 3 at the back up hills and sit down all the time even up hills, l have no toe clips on the pedal at the moment... would this improve my performance.
l have tried using the small cog on the back on flat ground for a fair distance but find my thighs start to ache, my backside also aches while riding, will buying cycling shorts help to reduce the saddle aches.
Now 13 to 14 mph is not very fast so how can l get faster, and how the hell do these cyclists on tv and the even the ones l see on a sunday morning go so fast, what gears are they using and what are they doing what l could learn to do.... Help and advice please.